General characteristics 1.T ypical morphology: Gram-negative rods: enteric bacilli on-sporeformin 2 Motile via flagella eXcept shigella and Klebsiella Can not distinguish each other by their morphology 2. Growth Characteristics Carbohydrate fermentation patterns and the activity of amino acid decarboxylases and other enzymes are used in biochemical differentiation Easy to culture in vitro, using biochemical tests for classification and identificationGeneral Characteristics 1. Typical morphology: Gram-negative rods: enteric bacilli; Non-sporeforming; Motile via flagella EXCEPT Shigella and Klebsiella Can not distinguish each other by their morphology 2. Growth Characteristics: Carbohydrate fermentation patterns and the activity of amino acid decarboxylases and other enzymes are used in biochemical differentiation Easy to culture in vitro, using biochemical tests for classification and identification
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