VoL34,No.2,Pp.141-147.2006 Biotechnology Education The Development of Biotechnology Education in China* Received for publication,June 6,2005,and in revised form,November 17,2005 Xuanwei Zhout,Juan LinS,Lei ZhangS,Zhonghai Chens,Yizhou YinS,Binhui Guot,Xiaofen Suns, and Kexuan TangtS] From the tPlant Biotechnology Research Center,School of Agriculture and Biology,Fudan-SJTU-Nottingham Plant Biotechnology R&D Center,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200030 and the SState Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering,School of Life Sciences,Fudan-SJTU-Nottingham Plant Biotechnology R&D Center,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China From the middle of the 20th century,Chinese scientists have been actively involved in biotechnology. However,biotechnology education in China is a relatively recent phenomenon.This subject has not been addressed at the undergraduate level in a serious way until recently.In the last decade,biotechnology education developed rapidly and reached a new level in Chinese universities.The Chinese scientific establishment is very much aware of the importance of biotechnology and has identified this subject as one of the priority areas.Some universities are taking positive steps toward enhancing biotechnology educa- tion.This article focuses on the emergence,as well as the problems and prospects,of biotechnology education in China. Keywords:Biotechnology education,biotechnology industry,China,development,emergence. As in other developing countries,biotechnology educa- impetus by the growth of these related industries. tion in China is a relatively recent phenomenon [1].The The Background and Situation of Biotechnology Indus- practice of biotechnology in China for many years has tries in China-In the 1980s,the tide of the new technology been limited to research activities at universities and insti- revolution,which mainly contains information technology, tutes,and only in 1993 was the first undergraduate bio- biotechnology,and new material technology,made tre- technology program initiated.With the recognition of the mendous impacts on science and technology in the world. Chinese government,biotechnology is now a priority area so developing high technology has been one of the main and receiving greater attention than ever before.Currently, focuses in state development strategy by many countries. there are several biotechnology-based industries in China. How China,as a large developing country,can keep Growths of these industries are creating an increasing abreast of the new situation of rapid development of high demand for a workforce with relevant skills.Universities technologies in the world,pursue the world's advanced therefore have a responsibility to tailor graduates that can level,and narrow the gap between China and foreign meet these demands.This article summarizes the situation countries has become the focal point attracting the atten- and development of biotechnology education at different tion of scientists as well as the Party Central Committee levels in China. and the State Council.In March 1986,in view of the BIOTECHNOLOGY IN UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION impacts of competition in the fields of advanced technol- ogies in the world,four leading scientists submitted a letter The undergraduate science and engineering depart- ments in China offer 4-year degree programs.From its to the central government,suggesting that China should emergence to the present,biotechnology education has adopt appropriate strategies to pursue the development of been concerned with many areas,such as agriculture [2], advanced technologies in the world.This letter received biology,environment [3],and medicine and pharmaceutics great attention from the Party Central Committee and the [4].The development of biotechnology education is given State Council.Since then,the level of research on ad- vanced technologies has moved to a new stage in China. Because the letter of the scientists and the written instruc- .This research was supported by the China National Science tions were both put forward in March 1986,the program and Technology Publication Fund,Shanghai Science and Tech- nology Publication Fund,China National 863 High Tech Program, was given the name of "863."This program aims to keep and China Ministry of Education. pursuing the most advanced science and technology lev- 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed:Plant Bio- els of biotechnology,space technology,information tech- technology Research Center,School of Agriculture and Biology, nology,laser technology,automation technology,energy Fudan-SJTU-Nottingham Plant Biotechnology R&D Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200030.Tel.:86-21- technology,and new material technology all over the world 62932002;Fax:86-21-62824073;E-mail:kxtang1@yahoo.com or 5.From then on,many research funds and related cor- kxtang@sjtu.edu.cn. porations in China have been used to support the research This paper is available on line at http://www.bambed.org 141Biotechnology Education The Development of Biotechnology Education in China* Received for publication, June 6, 2005, and in revised form, November 17, 2005 Xuanwei Zhou‡, Juan Lin§, Lei Zhang§, Zhonghai Chen§, Yizhou Yin§, Binhui Guo‡, Xiaofen Sun§, and Kexuan Tang‡§¶ From the ‡Plant Biotechnology Research Center, School of Agriculture and Biology, Fudan-SJTU-Nottingham Plant Biotechnology R&D Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030 and the §State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering, School of Life Sciences, Fudan-SJTU-Nottingham Plant Biotechnology R&D Center, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China From the middle of the 20th century, Chinese scientists have been actively involved in biotechnology. However, biotechnology education in China is a relatively recent phenomenon. This subject has not been addressed at the undergraduate level in a serious way until recently. In the last decade, biotechnology education developed rapidly and reached a new level in Chinese universities. The Chinese scientific establishment is very much aware of the importance of biotechnology and has identified this subject as one of the priority areas. Some universities are taking positive steps toward enhancing biotechnology educa￾tion. This article focuses on the emergence, as well as the problems and prospects, of biotechnology education in China. Keywords: Biotechnology education, biotechnology industry, China, development, emergence. As in other developing countries, biotechnology educa￾tion in China is a relatively recent phenomenon [1]. The practice of biotechnology in China for many years has been limited to research activities at universities and insti￾tutes, and only in 1993 was the first undergraduate bio￾technology program initiated. With the recognition of the Chinese government, biotechnology is now a priority area and receiving greater attention than ever before. Currently, there are several biotechnology-based industries in China. Growths of these industries are creating an increasing demand for a workforce with relevant skills. Universities therefore have a responsibility to tailor graduates that can meet these demands. This article summarizes the situation and development of biotechnology education at different levels in China. BIOTECHNOLOGY IN UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION The undergraduate science and engineering depart￾ments in China offer 4-year degree programs. From its emergence to the present, biotechnology education has been concerned with many areas, such as agriculture [2], biology, environment [3], and medicine and pharmaceutics [4]. The development of biotechnology education is given impetus by the growth of these related industries. The Background and Situation of Biotechnology Indus￾tries in China—In the 1980s, the tide of the new technology revolution, which mainly contains information technology, biotechnology, and new material technology, made tre￾mendous impacts on science and technology in the world, so developing high technology has been one of the main focuses in state development strategy by many countries. How China, as a large developing country, can keep abreast of the new situation of rapid development of high technologies in the world, pursue the world’s advanced level, and narrow the gap between China and foreign countries has become the focal point attracting the atten￾tion of scientists as well as the Party Central Committee and the State Council. In March 1986, in view of the impacts of competition in the fields of advanced technol￾ogies in the world, four leading scientists submitted a letter to the central government, suggesting that China should adopt appropriate strategies to pursue the development of advanced technologies in the world. This letter received great attention from the Party Central Committee and the State Council. Since then, the level of research on ad￾vanced technologies has moved to a new stage in China. Because the letter of the scientists and the written instruc￾tions were both put forward in March 1986, the program was given the name of “863.” This program aims to keep pursuing the most advanced science and technology lev￾els of biotechnology, space technology, information tech￾nology, laser technology, automation technology, energy technology, and new material technology all over the world [5]. From then on, many research funds and related cor￾porations in China have been used to support the research * This research was supported by the China National Science and Technology Publication Fund, Shanghai Science and Tech￾nology Publication Fund, China National 863 High Tech Program, and China Ministry of Education. ¶ To whom correspondence should be addressed: Plant Bio￾technology Research Center, School of Agriculture and Biology, Fudan-SJTU-Nottingham Plant Biotechnology R&D Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030. Tel.: 86-21- 62932002; Fax: 86-21-62824073; E-mail: kxtang1@yahoo.com or kxtang@sjtu.edu.cn. © 2006 by The International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY EDUCATION Printed in U.S.A. Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 141–147, 2006 This paper is available on line at http://www.bambed.org 141
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