Part IX The Twentieth-Century Literature I Fill in the following blanks is Galsworthy's masterpiece which gives a profound and true-to-life picture of the English society from the 80's of the 19th century up to the 20's of the 20th century 2.The trilogy of "The Forsyte Saga"consists of "The Man of Property"."In Chancery"and is the founder of the "Stream of Consciousness"school of novel writing. 4.The novel“ describes the mental activities of two Dubliners in a single day.This formless plotless novel records the thoughts,shades and fleeting flashes of the mind. represents the much more readable novelists of the stream of consciousness school.She is a fine artist,a woman of sharp sensitivity who,in one of her frequent depressions.committed suicide. 6.Lawrence's autobiographical novel is" 7.“To theL ighthouse"was written by 8.TS.Eliot's classic expression ofthe temper of his age is I Choose the best answer for each statement. 人 't consist of “A Silent Wooing C."The Silver Spoon" D.“Awakening 2.Who is not the main character in"The Man of Property"? A Heatheliff B.Soames C.Irene D.Bosinnev 3.Which of the following novels doesn't belong to the "stream of consciousness" school of novel writing? A.“Ulysses B.“Mrs.Dalloway C."The Waves" D."Women in Love' 4 was written by James Jovce A.A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man B Portrait ofa Lady C.Picture of Dorian Gray D.To the Lighthouse 5.Choose the work not written by Virginia Woolf. A."The Rainbow" B."The Waves" C"To the Lighthouse" D."Orlando" 6.Choose the novel not written by Lawrence A.“Sons and Lovers' B."Women in Love'” C."Lady Chatterley's Lover" D.“Of Human Bondage' 7.Maugham's best-known novel is A.“The Human Bondage' B "The Waves"Part Ⅸ The Twentieth-Century Literature ⅠFill in the following blanks: 1. “ ” is Galsworthy’s masterpiece which gives a profound and true-to-life picture of the English society from the 80’s of the 19th century up to the 20’s of the 20th century. 2. The trilogy of “The Forsyte Saga” consists of “The Man of Property”, “In Chancery” and “ ”. 3. is the founder of the “Stream of Consciousness” school of novel writing. 4. The novel “ ” describes the mental activities of two Dubliners in a single day. This formless, plotless novel records the thoughts, shades and fleeting flashes of the mind. 5. represents the much more readable novelists of the stream of consciousness school. She is a fine artist, a woman of sharp sensitivity who, in one of her frequent depressions, committed suicide. 6. Lawrence’s autobiographical novel is “ ”. 7. “To the Lighthouse” was written by . 8. T.S. Eliot’s classic expression of the temper of his age is “ ”. ⅡChoose the best answer for each statement. 1. Galsworthy’s second trilogy “A Modern comedy doesn’t consist of . A. “The White Monkey” B. “A Silent Wooing” C. “The Silver Spoon” D. “Awakening” 2. Who is not the main character in “The Man of Property”? A. Heathcliff B. Soames C. Irene D. Bosinney 3. Which of the following novels doesn’t belong to the “stream of consciousness” school of novel writing? A. “Ulysses” B. “Mrs. Dalloway” C. “The Waves” D. “Women in Love” 4. “ ” was written by James Joyce. A. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man B. Portrait of a Lady C. Picture of Dorian Gray D. To the Lighthouse 5. Choose the work not written by Virginia Woolf. A. “The Rainbow” B. “The Waves” C. “To the Lighthouse” D. “Orlando” 6. Choose the novel not written by Lawrence: A. “Sons and Lovers” B. “Women in Love” C. “Lady Chatterley’s Lover” D. “Of Human Bondage” 7. Maugham’s best-known novel is . A. “The Human Bondage” B. “The Waves
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