第36卷第1期 北京科技大学学报 Vol.36 No.1 2014年1月 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing Jan.2014 多相组织管线钢的应变时效敏感性 吴圣杰12),聂文金1》,尚成嘉,程俊杰),张宏伟”,张晓兵》 1)北京科技大学材料科学与工程学院,北京1000832)江苏省(沙钢)钢铁研究院,张家港215625 3)江苏沙钢集团有限公司总工程师办公室,张家港215625 ☒通信作者,E-mail:cishang(@usth.cedu.cn 摘要通过对多相组织管线钢进行横向预应变模拟管线钢在制管过程中的横向扩径,进而研究横向预应变对多相组织管 线钢横向和纵向拉伸应变行为的影响.发现多相组织X80管线钢在横向预应变后的加工硬化表现出明显的方向性,平行于预 应变方向加工硬化高,但在低于2%预应变条件下屈强比仍能保持在0.95以下.垂直于预应变方向在预应变后仍能保持连续 屈服的拉伸应变特征,具有较低的屈强比(小于0.75)以及高的均匀延伸率.此外通过对预应变后钢板进行时效处理,以此研 究制管后防腐热涂覆对管线钢拉伸应变行为的影响.结果表明多相组织管线钢拥有很好的抗时效稳定性. 关键词管线钢:材料时效:拉伸应变:敏感性分析 分类号TG142.71 Strain aging sensitivity of multi-phase pipeline steel WU Shengjie,NIE Wen-jin'),SHANG Chengjia,CHENG Junjie,ZHANG Hong-wei,ZHANG Xiao-bing 1)School of Material Science and Technology,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China 2)Institute of Research of Iron and Steel,Jiangsu Sha-Steel Group Co.Ltd.Zhangjiagang 215625,China 3)Chief Engineer Office,Jiangsu Sha-Steel Group Co.Ltd.,Zhangjiagang 215625,China Corresponding author,E-mail:cjshang@ustb.edu.cn ABSTRACT Transversal pre-strain experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of transversal hole enlargement on the tensile strain behavior of multi-phase pipeline steel.Experimental results indicate that the work hardening behavior after pre-strain treatment has directional characterization.When the pre-strain direction parallels to the final tensile strain direction,the work hardening rate is very high.Only when the pre-strain rate is lower than 2%,the yield ratio can keep below 0.95.When the tensile strain direction is perpendicular to the pre-strain direction,the strain-stress curves can maintain a continuous yield character,which has low yield ratio (below 0.75)and high uniform elongation rate.In addition,strain aging treatment was carried out to investigate the effect of anti- corrosion thermal coating treatment on the tensile strain behavior of multi-phase pipeline steel.It is shown that the multi-phase pipeline steel has excellent anti-aging stability. KEY WORDS pipeline steel:aging of materials;tensile strain;sensitivity analysis X80级别管线钢在我国西气东输二线工程得到 向变形所造成的屈曲变形,这就要求钢管在纵向的 广泛应用,强度与韧性指标均达到设计要求,其强化 应力一应变曲线能保持“圆屋顶”状屈服特征,钢管 与韧化机理也得到深入研究-).为满足管线钢在 拥有较低的屈强比以及高的均匀延伸率6-刀 复杂地质环境下的安全服役要求,近年来提出了基 现有的以贝氏体为基体的管线钢在热轧态时, 于应变设计的理念,并己应用于实际的管道工程 通常都能拥有“圆屋顶”状连续屈服特征,但在制管 中.基于应变设计的理念要求钢管能抵抗沿纵 扩径过程中,尤其是在随后的防腐涂覆后,其屈强比 收稿日期:2012-12-10 基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展计划资助项目(2010CB630801) DOI:10.13374/j.issn1001-053x.2014.01.010:http://journals.ustb.edu.cn第 36 卷 第 1 期 2014 年 1 月 北京科技大学学报 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing Vol. 36 No. 1 Jan. 2014 多相组织管线钢的应变时效敏感性 吴圣杰1,2) ,聂文金1,3) ,尚成嘉1) ,程俊杰3) ,张宏伟1) ,张晓兵3) 1) 北京科技大学材料科学与工程学院,北京 100083 2) 江苏省( 沙钢) 钢铁研究院,张家港 215625 3) 江苏沙钢集团有限公司总工程师办公室,张家港 215625  通信作者,E-mail: cjshang@ ustb. edu. cn 摘 要 通过对多相组织管线钢进行横向预应变模拟管线钢在制管过程中的横向扩径,进而研究横向预应变对多相组织管 线钢横向和纵向拉伸应变行为的影响. 发现多相组织 X80 管线钢在横向预应变后的加工硬化表现出明显的方向性,平行于预 应变方向加工硬化高,但在低于 2% 预应变条件下屈强比仍能保持在 0. 95 以下. 垂直于预应变方向在预应变后仍能保持连续 屈服的拉伸应变特征,具有较低的屈强比( 小于 0. 75) 以及高的均匀延伸率. 此外通过对预应变后钢板进行时效处理,以此研 究制管后防腐热涂覆对管线钢拉伸应变行为的影响. 结果表明多相组织管线钢拥有很好的抗时效稳定性. 关键词 管线钢; 材料时效; 拉伸应变; 敏感性分析 分类号 TG142. 71 Strain aging sensitivity of multi-phase pipeline steel WU Sheng-jie 1,2) ,NIE Wen-jin1,3) ,SHANG Cheng-jia1)  ,CHENG Jun-jie 3) ,ZHANG Hong-wei 1) ,ZHANG Xiao-bing3) 1) School of Material Science and Technology,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China 2) Institute of Research of Iron and Steel,Jiangsu Sha-Steel Group Co. Ltd. ,Zhangjiagang 215625,China 3) Chief Engineer Office,Jiangsu Sha-Steel Group Co. Ltd. ,Zhangjiagang 215625,China  Corresponding author,E-mail: cjshang@ ustb. edu. cn ABSTRACT Transversal pre-strain experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of transversal hole enlargement on the tensile strain behavior of multi-phase pipeline steel. Experimental results indicate that the work hardening behavior after pre-strain treatment has directional characterization. When the pre-strain direction parallels to the final tensile strain direction,the work hardening rate is very high. Only when the pre-strain rate is lower than 2% ,the yield ratio can keep below 0. 95. When the tensile strain direction is perpendicular to the pre-strain direction,the strain-stress curves can maintain a continuous yield character,which has low yield ratio ( below 0. 75) and high uniform elongation rate. In addition,strain aging treatment was carried out to investigate the effect of anti￾corrosion thermal coating treatment on the tensile strain behavior of multi-phase pipeline steel. It is shown that the multi-phase pipeline steel has excellent anti-aging stability. KEY WORDS pipeline steel; aging of materials; tensile strain; sensitivity analysis 收稿日期: 2012--12--10 基金项目: 国家重点基础研究发展计划资助项目( 2010CB630801) DOI: 10. 13374 /j. issn1001--053x. 2014. 01. 010; http: / /journals. ustb. edu. cn X80 级别管线钢在我国西气东输二线工程得到 广泛应用,强度与韧性指标均达到设计要求,其强化 与韧化机理也得到深入研究[1--3]. 为满足管线钢在 复杂地质环境下的安全服役要求,近年来提出了基 于应变设计的理念,并已应用于实际的管道工程 中[4--5]. 基于应变设计的理念要求钢管能抵抗沿纵 向变形所造成的屈曲变形,这就要求钢管在纵向的 应力--应变曲线能保持“圆屋顶”状屈服特征,钢管 拥有较低的屈强比以及高的均匀延伸率[6--7]. 现有的以贝氏体为基体的管线钢在热轧态时, 通常都能拥有“圆屋顶”状连续屈服特征,但在制管 扩径过程中,尤其是在随后的防腐涂覆后,其屈强比
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