Key to Final Oral Interpretation Exam for Grade'02 (A) PartA Directions:In this part of the test,you will hear7 sentences in Chinese.After you have heard each sentence,interpret it into English.You will hear the sentence twice.Now let'sben Part Awith the first sentence. C-E: 1.历经2000多年修建的万里长城,如今已成为一种象征,代表中国的强大国力。 The construction of the Great Wall went on for more than 2,000 years.Today,the wall has become a symbol of China's strength. 2.据统计,因庆黄金周期间厦门共接待游客超过49万,旅游总收入5.78亿元。 Staistics shwed that Xiamen the National Day holiday,with the toang more than 578 million yuan. 3.位于闽北的风景胜地武夷山如今已被联合国教科文组织列为重点保护的世界自然与文化遗产. The Wuyi Mountain,a scenic spot situated in the northern part of Fujian Province.has now been inscribed on the UNESCO istof World Cultural and Natural Hertage sites tobe given special. 4.中国宴会上的酒通常为啤酒、黄酒和烈性白酒三种。人们往往以“干杯“的方式互相敏酒祝福】 Usually beer.yellow rice wine and strong white liquor are the three most popular drinks at a.People at a table will usually Gan Bei when toasting each other to express good wishes. 5.福州文化发达,人文荟萃,文物古迹众多。这座殿堂的建筑艺术就集中代表了我国宋朝时期的建 筑风格。 Fuzhou is famous for its advanced culture,with a galaxy of talents and many historical relics. The architecture of this hall,for example,best represents the architectural style of China's Song Dynasty. 6.“干杯”的意思是一口喝干杯中的酒。在中国文化中,“干”了“杯"中的酒,可以表示心诚,还可以活 跃餐桌气氛。 Gai Bei means literally emptying one's cup or glass.In the Chinese culture,people do it this way to show sincerity and to add fun to the dinner party. 7.如果您需要复印一些发给与公者的材料或在口头报告时需要使用投影机,请与我们联系。 If you'd like to use a photocopier for your handouts,or an overhead projector for you presentation,do not hesitate to contact us.Key to Final Oral Interpretation Exam for Grade’02 (A) Part A Directions : In this part of the test , you will hear 7 sentences in Chinese. After you have heard each sentence, interpret it into English. You will hear the sentence twice. Now let's begin Part A with the first sentence. C-E: 1. 历经2000多年修建的万里长城,如今已成为一种象征,代表中国的强大国力。 The construction of the Great Wall went on for more than 2,000 years. Today, the wall has become a symbol of China’s strength. 2. 据统计,国庆黄金周期间厦门共接待游客超过49万,旅游总收入5.78亿元。 Statistics showed that Xiamen received over 490,000 tourists during the National Day holiday, with the tourist revenue totaling more than 578 million yuan. 3.位于闽北的风景胜地武夷山如今已被联合国教科文组织列为重点保护的世界自然与文化遗产。 The Wuyi Mountain, a scenic spot situated in the northern part of Fujian Province, has now been inscribed on the UNESCO list of World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites to be given special protection. 4.中国宴会上的酒通常为啤酒、黄酒和烈性白酒三种。人们往往以"干杯"的方式互相敬酒祝福。 Usually beer, yellow rice wine and strong white liquor are the three most popular drinks at a Chinese dinner. People at a table will usually Gan Bei when toasting each other to express good wishes. 5. 福州文化发达,人文荟萃,文物古迹众多。这座殿堂的建筑艺术就集中代表了我国宋朝时期的建 筑风格。 Fuzhou is famous for its advanced culture, with a galaxy of talents and many historical relics. The architecture of this hall, for example, best represents the architectural style of China’s Song Dynasty. 6."干杯"的意思是一口喝干杯中的酒。在中国文化中,"干"了"杯"中的酒,可以表示心诚,还可以活 跃餐桌气氛。 Gai Bei means literally emptying one’s cup or glass. In the Chinese culture, people do it this way to show sincerity and to add fun to the dinner party. 7. 如果您需要复印一些发给与会者的材料或在口头报告时需要使用投影机,请与我们联系。 If you’d like to use a photocopier for your handouts, or an overhead projector for your presentation, do not hesitate to contact us
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