1.4.HISTORICAL NOTES 5 Deep space communication (and coding was called a"marriage made in heaven") ●CDMA.MIO.4G .Physical layer security(Information-theoretic securiy) Quantum communication 。Stock market 1.4 Historical notes Sampling theorem:1928 by Nyquist ●Hartley's measure of information1g28)】 I(X)=logL L=number of possible values of X. .Information theory:1948 by Shannon Investigate how to achieve the efficient and reliable communication ·Why using“entropy? Shannon与V.Neuman讨论时,V.Neuman建议用“嫡”, 1.你的不确定函数在统计力学中已经被称为熵(entropy), 2.没有人知道熵到底是什么,所以有争论时你就永远立于不敢之地 。在Shannon1948年的原文中,既没有使用“mutual information”也没有用一个 特殊符号来记它,而总是使用不确定性之差。术语“mutual information”及符 号I(X:Y)是后来由Fano入的. 。Shan was born in Michiga 1916 In 1936.he received BS degree in both electrical engine ering and mathematics from the Univ.of Michigan.Received his M.S.and Ph.D.degree from MIT.In 1941,he joined Bell Lab.In 1958,he accepted a permanent appointment at MIT.随后买了大房子,房子里有很多玩具, Sh prize for the best oublished b an author uder 30.It is widely recomized todayas the foundation of the switching field and as one of the most important Master's theses ever written. His Ph.D.dissertation,"An Algebra for Theoretical Genetics,"was completed in 1940.This thesis was never published. In 1961.Shannon published a pioneering paper "Two-way Communication Chan nels"which established the foundation for the discipline now known as "multi- user information theory";and later N.Abramson published his paper"The Aloha System-Another Alternative for Computer Communications"in 1970 which in- troduced the concept of multiple access using a shared common channel.The information theore appro n to an in 19 a coding t lope a paper"Broadcast channels1.4. HISTORICAL NOTES 5 • Deep space communication (and coding was called a “marriage made in heaven”) • CDMA, MIMO, 4G • Physical layer security (Information-theoretic securiy) • Quantum communication • Stock market 1.4 Historical notes • Sampling theorem: 1928 by Nyquist • Hartley’s measure of information (1928) I(X) = log L, L=number of possible values of X. • Information theory: 1948 by Shannon Investigate how to achieve the efficient and reliable communication • Why using “entropy”? Shannon 与V. Neuman 讨论时, V. Neuman 建议用“熵”. 1. 你的不确定函数在统计力学中已经被称为熵(entropy). 2. 没有人知道熵到底是什么,所以有争论时你就永远立于不败之地. • 在Shannon 1948年的原文中,既没有使用“mutual information”也没有用一个 特殊符号来记它,而总是使用不确定性之差。术语“mutual information”及符 号I(X; Y )是后来由Fano引入的. • Shannon was born in Michigan, 1916. In 1936, he received B.S. degree in both electrical engineering and mathematics from the Univ. of Michigan. Received his M.S. and Ph.D. degree from MIT. In 1941, he joined Bell Lab. In 1958, he accepted a permanent appointment at MIT. 随后买了大房子, 房子里有很多玩具. • Shannon的硕士论文是关于布尔代数与交换的,他基于此研究工作发表的第一篇 论文won the 1940 Alfred Noble prize for the best paper in engineering published by an author under 30. It is widely recognized today as the foundation of the switching field and as one of the most important Master’s theses ever written. His Ph.D. dissertation, “An Algebra for Theoretical Genetics,”was completed in 1940. This thesis was never published. • In 1961, Shannon published a pioneering paper ”Two-way Communication Chan￾nels”, which established the foundation for the discipline now known as ”multi￾user information theory”; and later N. Abramson published his paper ”The Aloha System - Another Alternative for Computer Communications” in 1970 which in￾troduced the concept of multiple access using a shared common channel. The information theoretic approach to multiaccess communication began in 1972 with a coding theorem developed by Ahlswede and Liao. In 1972, T. Cover published a paper “Broadcast channels
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