EXPLANATION IN RECOMMENDER SYSTEMS Please enter your query type wandering, month aug The target case is. Case 510: 609, aug. tyrol. 5. 7. wandering. flat, car(0. 28) Other competing cases(972)include: Case 702: 1698, aug, giant_mountains, 3, 14, wandering, star2, car(. 28) Case 574: 529, aug alps, 4, 7, wandering, flat, car(0. 28) what is the preferred location? User Top Case: Because if location tyrol this will increase the similarity of Case 510 from 0.28 to 0. 44 and eliminate 866 cases, including Case 574 User alps Top Case: The target case is: Case 574: 529, aug. alps, 4, 7, wandering, flat, car(0. Other competing cases(82)include: Case 570: 799, aug alps, 4, 7, wandering, flat, car (0.44) Case 586: 1958, aug, alps, 6, 14, recreation, flat, car(0.36) what is the preferred price? Top Case: Because if price =529 this will increase the similarity of Case 574 from 0.44 to 0.67 and eliminate 72 cases, including Case 570 00 Top Case: The target case is: Case 574: 529, aug alps, 4, 7, wandering, flat, car(0.67) Other competing cases(10)include: Case 74: 814, aug, alps, 6, 7, recreation, flat, train(0.57) Case 586: 1958, aug, alps, 6, 14, recreation, flat, car(0.54) What is the preferred number of persons? User Top Case: Because if number of persons =4 this will confirm Case 574 as the recommended case What is the preferred number of persons? The recommended case is Case 574(0.8) Case 574 differs from your query only in price and is the best case no matter what tra ansport, duration, or accommodation you prefer Figure 3. Example recommendation dialogue based on the travel case library normalised by the sum of all the importance weights, is shown in brackets. In response to her initial query, the user is shown Case 510 the case initially selected by Top Case as the target case, and the two most similar of the 972 cases that are not currently dominated by the target case. Having taken the initiative, Top Case now selects locationEXPLANATION IN RECOMMENDER SYSTEMS 191 __________________________________________________________________________ Top Case: Please enter your query User: type = wandering, month = aug Top Case: The target case is: Case 510: 609, aug, tyrol, 5, 7, wandering, flat, car (0.28) Other competing cases (972) include: Case 702: 1698, aug, giant_mountains, 3, 14, wandering, star2, car (0.28) Case 574: 529, aug, alps, 4, 7, wandering, flat, car (0.28) What is the preferred location? User: why Top Case: Because if location = tyrol this will increase the similarity of Case 510 from 0.28 to 0.44 and eliminate 866 cases, including Case 574 What is the preferred location? User: Top Case: The target case is: Case 574: 529, aug, alps, 4, 7, wandering, flat, car (0.44) Other competing cases (82) include: Case 570: 799, aug, alps, 4, 7, wandering, flat, car (0.44) Case 586: 1958, aug, alps, 6, 14, recreation, flat, car (0.36) What is the preferred price? User: why Top Case: Because if price = 529 this will increase the similarity of Case 574 from 0.44 to 0.67 and eliminate 72 cases, including Case 570 What is the preferred price? User: Top Case: The target case is: Case 574: 529, aug, alps, 4, 7, wandering, flat, car (0.67) Other competing cases (10) include: Case 74: 814, aug, alps, 6, 7, recreation, flat, train (0.57) Case 586: 1958, aug, alps, 6, 14, recreation, flat, car (0.54) What is the preferred number of persons? User: why Top Case: Because if number of persons = 4 this will confirm Case 574 as the recommended case What is the preferred number of persons? User: Top Case: The recommended case is Case 574 (0.8) User: why Top Case: Case 574 differs from your query only in price and is the best case no matter what transport, duration, or accommodation you prefer __________________________________________________________________________ alps 500 4 Figure 3. Example recommendation dialogue based on the travel case library. normalised by the sum of all the importance weights, is shown in brackets. In response to her initial query, the user is shown Case 510, the case initially selected by Top Case as the target case, and the two most similar of the 972 cases that are not currently dominated by the target case. Having taken the initiative, Top Case now selects location
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