Lesson 15-The damned Human race III. Attitudes Toward conscience Evaluate your motives. Dont do good for acclaim or happiness, but because it is the right thing to do Gain liberation by becoming the master of your life. Do this by becoming the slave of your conscience. The freedom you will gain is not the right to do what you want but the power to do what you ought W BTL E The end of Attitudes Toward conscienceW B T L E Lesson 15—The Damned Human Race III. Attitudes Toward Conscience Evaluate your motives. Don’t do good for acclaim or happiness, but because it is the right thing to do. Gain liberation by becoming the master of your life. Do this by becoming the slave of your conscience. The freedom you will gain is not the right to do what you want, but the power to do what you ought. The end of Attitudes Toward Conscience
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