Web Development/Social Web Building Social Web Applications Gavin Bell s book is agem- it offers an excellent Building a web application that attracts and retains regular visitors is tricky enough, but creating a social application that encourages balance betueen designing visitors to interact with one another requires careful planning. This for people and under book provides practical solutions to the tough questions you'll face when building an effective community site--one that makes standing wbat's needed visitors feel like they' ve found a new home on the Web tecbmically--the ke If your company is ready to take part in the social web, this ingredients of amy successful book will help you get started. Whether you're creating a new site from scratch or reworking an existing site, Building Social social web application.” Web Applications helps you choose the tools appropriate for your -Elizabeth churchill audience so you can build an infrastructure that will promote interaction and help the community coalesce. You'll also learn Principal Research cientist. Yahoo! research about business models for various social web applications with examples of member-driven, customer-service-driven, and and vP of ACM SigCHI contributor-driven sites It willprovide botbpractical a Determine who will be drawn to your site, why they'll advice and an intellectual stay, and who they'll interact with framework to anyone n Create visual design that clearly communicates how your site works starting theirown project. n Build the software you need versus plugging in one-size- -Matt Biddulph fits-all, off-the-shelf apps C10, Dopplr n Manage the identities of your visitors and determine how to support their interaction n Monitor demand from the community to guide your Gavin Bell designs social choice of new functions eb products for the Nature Publishing Group. He has pre- n Plan the launch of your site and get the message out iously worked in advertising, publishing, and academia INTRODUCTORY INTERMEDIATE ADVANG O'REILLY° Previous web development experience is strongly recor oreilly.com Us$3499 CAN$43.99 ISBN:978-0-596-51875-2 Safari. for 45 days with purchase of 6m5