radually, the cooking of food became a universally accepted idea. The Chinese word "peng (from"peng tiao", meaning the art of cooking) comes from the use of fire in cooking. So, in this way people had learned how to cook their food. However, they still did not know how to flavor it How did man first learn to use salt on his food One theory is that many years ago some people who lived in a coastal area killed an animal on the sea-shore. They left the dead animal there for some time. The salt from the sea- water covered the animal and when, later, the meat was cooked it had a very good taste. In time, man learned to collect salt to flavor his food. The word"tiao"of"peng tiao "means"flavoring", which began with the use of The discovery of cooking and flavoring played a very important part in the development of man and human society. The fact that man no longer ate raw meat made him different from other animals Cooking and flavoring killed bacteria in food and made him more healthy. People began to eat meals at regular times of the day. Gradually, cooked food helped people to improve the condition of their minds and bodies, and finally it helped them to develop their productive abilities, and to move towards a state of civilization 1. Man learned to cook food when he discovered different methods of making fire discovered that they could use forest fires to cook E)realized that the meat"cooked""in forest fires tasted much better than raw meat ealized that it was not necessary to run away from the burning areas in forest fires 2. To improve the taste of his food, man learned to A)use salt on his food B)leave the dead animal on the sea-shore for some time C)keep the animals in the sea before they were killed D)put meat in the sea water before it was cooked 3. The word"flavor"in this passage most probably means A)to use salt to preserve food B)to use salt to kill bacteria in food C) to add something to food to give it a particular taste D)to keep food in salt water for a long time so that it develops a strong sharp taste 4. Why is the discovery of cooking and flavoring important in the development of human society? A) Because it improved mans living conditions B) Because cooked meat made man more healthy C) Because it helped man to move towards a state of civilization D) Because with the discovery of cooking and flavoring man began to have regular meals. 5. In the passage, the author is trying to tell us that the art of Chinese cooking A)is the most famous one all over the world B)developed together with China's civilization C)did not become famous until recently D) was very advanced many thousands of years ago 1.C2.A3.C4.D5.B(59.6%01级二级期末用) (2-13B) Today, Chinese cooking is famous all over the world, but of course it did not become famous suddenly. China's civilization is very ancient, and the art of cooking developed together with it over many thousands of years In the distant past, our ancestors ate raw meat. They did not know how to cook their food. When they killed animals, they often did not even take the skin off them before ate them. Some specialistsGradually, the cooking of food became a universally accepted idea. The Chinese word “peng” (from “peng tiao”, meaning the art of cooking) comes from the use of fire in cooking. So, in this way people had learned how to cook their food. However, they still did not know how to flavor it. How did man first learn to use salt on his food? One theory is that many years ago some people who lived in a coastal area killed an animal on the sea-shore. They left the dead animal there for some time. The salt from the sea-water covered the animal and when, later, the meat was cooked it had a very good taste. In time, man learned to collect salt to flavor his food. The word “tiao” of “peng tiao” means “flavoring”, which began with the use of salt.The discovery of cooking and flavoring played a very important part in the development of man and human society. The fact that man no longer ate raw meat made him different from other animals. Cooking and flavoring killed bacteria in food and made him more healthy. People began to eat meals at regular times of the day. Gradually, cooked food helped people to improve the condition of their minds and bodies, and finally it helped them to develop their productive abilities, and to move towards a state of civilization. 1. Man learned to cook food when he __________. discovered different methods of making fire discovered that they could use forest fires to cook E) realized that the meat “cooked” in forest fires tasted much better than raw meat realized that it was not necessary to run away from the burning areas in forest fires 2. To improve the taste of his food, man learned to __________. A) use salt on his food B) leave the dead animal on the sea-shore for some time C) keep the animals in the sea before they were killed D) put meat in the sea water before it was cooked 3. The word “flavor” in this passage most probably means __________. A) to use salt to preserve food B) to use salt to kill bacteria in food C) to add something to food to give it a particular taste D) to keep food in salt water for a long time so that it develops a strong sharp taste 4. Why is the discovery of cooking and flavoring important in the development of human society? A) Because it improved man’s living conditions. B) Because cooked meat made man more healthy. C) Because it helped man to move towards a state of civilization. D) Because with the discovery of cooking and flavoring man began to have regular meals. 5. In the passage, the author is trying to tell us that the art of Chinese cooking __________. A) is the most famous one all over the world B) developed together with China’s civilization C) did not become famous until recently D) was very advanced many thousands of years ago 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B (59.6% 01 级二级期末用) ( 2 – 13 B ) Today, Chinese cooking is famous all over the world, but of course it did not become famous suddenly. China’s civilization is very ancient, and the art of cooking developed together with it over many thousands of years. In the distant past, our ancestors ate raw meat. They did not know how to cook their food. When they killed animals, they often did not even take the skin off them before ate them. Some specialists
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