Gendron jarmoszko sented using a networking and telecommunications textbook, while the applied materials and assign- ments are based on material developed specifically for this class. A Structured Network Analysis and Design(SNAD) method has been developed which will be discussed in a future article; the material from this methodology is used throughout the course. The supplemental material is summarized in Table 4 Supplemental Course Material. Table 3 Course Summary Theoretical Applied Thread Supplemental Material Thread Report Section DiscussedDistributed Activity ourse uce semester equest for Proposal Introduction Project(SP) (RFP), Floor Plans Detailed Network Design Outline Standards Business Needs Submit Questions for Bidders Conference On-Line Self-test Report Introduction First Bidders Conference Requirements Physical Design Concepts RFP Addendum(result of Draft of SP introduction and requirements bidder's conference) Design and Cosi iagramming Handout Single Switch Desi Switch LaNs Nomenclature Nomenclature Handout Larger LANS Calculating Throughput Bandwidth Calculation MAN Diagrams D Telephony and RFP Addendum(result of Draft SP Network Design WANS bidder's conference) Preliminary Hard ware List and Costs VPNS Internetworking Course Structure Modules are used to break the course into easy to assimilate topics and make an introduction to this highly technical area much less daunting. A brief description of each course section, summarizing its theoretical and applied material, along with a description of the assignment will now be given The theoretical materials is currently being taught using Business Data Networks and Telecommunications(Panko, 2002) however, this framework and be easily adopted to any undergraduate business school oriented networking text 1149Gendron & Jarmoszko 1149 sented using a networking and telecommunications textbook1 , while the applied materials and assign￾ments are based on material developed specifically for this class. A Structured Network Analysis and Design (SNAD) method has been developed which will be discussed in a future article; the material from this methodology is used throughout the course. The supplemental material is summarized in Table 4 Supplemental Course Material. Table 3 Course Summary Theoretical Thread Applied Thread Report Section Discussed Supplemental Material Distributed Assignments Activity Course Introduction Introduce Semester Project (SP) Request for Proposal (RFP); Floor Plans Detailed Network Design Outline Standards Business Needs Report Introduction & Requirements Submit Questions for Bidder’s Conference; On-Line Self-test First Bidders’ Conference Physical Layer Design Concepts Design and Cost RFP Addendum (result of bidder’s conference) Draft of SP introduction and requirements. Small Single Switch LANS Diagramming and Nomenclature Design and Cost Diagramming Handout Nomenclature Handout Single Switch Design Diagram Larger LANS Calculating Throughput Diagramming Continued Design and Cost Bandwidth Calculation MAN Diagrams Second Bidders’ Conference Telephony and WANS RFP Addendum (result of bidder’s conference) Draft SP Network Design WANs VPNs Preliminary Hardware List and Costs Internetworking Course Structure Modules are used to break the course into easy to assimilate topics and make an introduction to this highly technical area much less daunting. A brief description of each course section, summarizing its theoretical and applied material, along with a description of the assignment will now be given. 1 The theoretical materials is currently being taught using Business Data Networks and Telecommunications (Panko, 2002) however, this framework and be easily adopted to any undergraduate business school oriented networking text
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