Part I: Parallel Computer System Architectures SMP: Symmetric Multiprocessors K MIMD UMA, medium grain, higher DOP(Degree of arales K Commodity microprocessors with on/off-chip caches E A high-speed snoopy bus or crossbar switch. G Central shared memory K Symmetric each processor has equal access to SM(Shared Memory), I/O and OS services. g Unscalable due to sm and bus E Examples SGI Power Challenge, DEC Alpha server 8400, Dawning-1 etc E Typical Structure: P/CP/C P/C Bus or crossbar switch SM SM I/O NHPCC(Hefei)·USTC· CHINA glchenaustc edu.ci 1-2NHPCC(Hefei) •USTC •CHINA glchen@ustc.edu.cn SMP: Symmetric Multiprocessors + MIMD ,UMA , medium grain , higher DOP(Degree of Parallelism). + Commodity microprocessors with on/off-chip caches. + A high-speed snoopy bus or crossbar switch. + Central shared memory. + Symmetric : each processor has equal access to SM(Shared Memory) , I/O and OS services. + Unscalable due to SM and bus. + Examples : SGI Power Challenge , DEC Alpha server 8400, Dawning-1 etc. + Typical Structure : Part I : Parallel Computer System Architectures 1 -2 P/C Bus or Crossbar Switch SM SM I/O P/C ... P/C
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