二、简答题:(共10分) 1.Price discrimination requires the ability to sort customers and the ability to prevent arbitrage.Explain how the following can function as price discrimination schemes and discuss both sorting and arbitrage: a.Requiring airline travelers to spend at least one Saturday night away from home to qualify for a low fare. b.Insisting on delivering cement to buyers and basing prices on buyers'locations. c.Selling food processors along with coupons that can be sent to the manufacturer to obtain a $10 rebate. d.Offering temporary price cuts on bathroom tissue. e.Charging high-income patients more than low-income patients for plastic surgery. a.The Saturday-night requirement separates business travelers,who prefer to return home for the weekend,from tourists,who travel on the weekend. b.By basing prices on the buyer's location sorting is done by geography The prices can t。 ich the custo mer pays for er delivery is c.Rebate coupons with food processors separate consumers into two groups:(1) customers who are less price sensitiv,(those who have a lower elasticity of demand)do not request the rebate:and (2)customers who are more price sensitive(those who have a higher demand elasticity)request the rebate. d.A temporary price cu on bathroom tissue is a form of interemporal price price- nsitive consumers buy more tissue than they woul otherwise during the price cut,while Non-price-sensitive consumers buy the same amount. e.The plastic surgeon can distinguish a high-income patients from a low-income patients by negotiation.Arbitrage is no problem because plastic surgery cannot be transferred from low-income patients to high-income patients. 三、Calculation:(每题20分,共40分) 1.Suppose the airline industry consisted of only two firms American and Texas Air Corp.Let the two firms have identical cost functions,C(q)=40q.Assume the demand curve for the industry is given by P=100-Q and that each firm expects the other to behave as a Cournot competitor. a.Calculate the Cournot-Nash equilibrium for each firm,assuming二、简答题:(共 10 分) 1.Price discrimination requires the ability to sort customers and the ability to prevent arbitrage. Explain how the following can function as price discrimination schemes and discuss both sorting and arbitrage: a. Requiring airline travelers to spend at least one Saturday night away from home to qualify for a low fare. b. Insisting on delivering cement to buyers and basing prices on buyers’ locations. c. Selling food processors along with coupons that can be sent to the manufacturer to obtain a $10 rebate. d. Offering temporary price cuts on bathroom tissue. e. Charging high-income patients more than low-income patients for plastic surgery. a. The Saturday-night requirement separates business travelers, who prefer to return home for the weekend, from tourists, who travel on the weekend. b. By basing prices on the buyer’s location, sorting is done by geography. The prices can reflect transportation charges,which the customer pays for whether delivery is received at the buyer’s location or at the cement plant. c. Rebate coupons with food processors separate consumers into two groups: (1) customers who are less price sensitiv,(those who have a lower elasticity of demand) do not request the rebate; and (2) customers who are more price sensitive( those who have a higher demand elasticity ) request the rebate. d. A temporary price cut on bathroom tissue is a form of intertemporal price discrimination. price-sensitive consumers buy more tissue than they would otherwise during the price cut,while Non-price-sensitive consumers buy the same amount. e. The plastic surgeon can distinguish a high-income patients from a low-income patients by negotiation.Arbitrage is no problem because plastic surgery cannot be transferred from low-income patients to high-income patients. 三、Calculation:(每题 20 分,共 40 分) 1.Suppose the airline industry consisted of only two firms: American and Texas Air Corp. Let the two firms have identical cost functions, C(q) = 40q. Assume the demand curve for the industry is given by P = 100 - Q and that each firm expects the other to behave as a Cournot competitor. a.Calculate the Cournot-Nash equilibrium for each firm, assuming
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