15 Dynamies of electron transfer (6 hours) I.The Basic Requirements Electron transfer in heterageneous systems:the electrode-solution interface,the rate of charge transfer,voltammetry,electrolysis,working galvanic cells II.Contents neous systems The elect *The rate of charge transfer:the rate laws,the activation Gibbs energy,the Butler-Volmer equation,the low overpotential limit,the high overpotential limit Voltammetry:concentration polarization,experimental techniques Electrol小sis Working galvanic cells the cell potential,fuel cels 16 Surface(6 hours) I.The Basic Requirements The physical liquid surface:surface tension,curved surfaces,capilary action Proc ses at solid surfaces:physisorption and chemisorption ad sorption isotherms,the ratesof ocesses II.Contents 1.The physical liquid surface Surface tension Curved surfaces:bubbles.cavities.and droplets nucleation contact angle 2.Processes at solid sufaces Physisorption and chemisorption Adsorption isotherms:the Langmuir isotherm,*The BET isotherm,*other isotherms The rates of surface processes:the rate of adsorption.the rate of desorption 17 Colloids (4 hours) 1.The Basic Requirements Classification and preparation,structure and stability,the electrical double layer II.Contents Classification and preparation Structure and stability The electrica doube layer III、作业 每两学时布置3-4道计算题(中、英结合),每周收一次作业。在教学过程中的适当的知 识点可布置1-2道综合分析题。 通过习题的联系,使学生学会化学实验数据的处理方法,学会分析问愿和解决问题的能 力,特别作一些科研和生产实际的数据处理,使学生了解一些科研和生产实例。 V江、核方式及成绩评定 物理化学课程学习成绩分为上册成绩,包括: 1、平时作业: 9 PDF文件使用"pdfFactory Pro”试用版本创建wnw,fineprint,com,cn 9 15 Dynamics of electron transfer(6 hours) I. The Basic Requirements Electron transfer in heterageneous systems: the electrode-solution interface, the rate of charge transfer, voltammetry, electrolysis, working galvanic cells II. Contents 1. Electron transfer in heterageneous systems The electrode-solution interface: the structure of the interface, the lectric potential at the interface *The rate of charge transfer: the rate laws, the activation Gibbs energy, the Butler-Volmer equation, the low overpotential limit, the high overpotential limit Voltammetry: concentration polarization, experimental techniques Electrolysis Working galvanic cells: the cell potential, fuel cells 16 Surface(6 hours) I. The Basic Requirements The physical liquid surface: surface tension, curved surfaces, capilary action Processes at solid surfaces: physisorption and chemisorption, adsorption isotherms, the rates of surface processes II. Contents 1. The physical liquid surface Surface tension Curved surfaces: bubbles, cavities, and droplets,nucleation Capilary action: capillary rise, the contact angle 2. Processes at solid surfaces Physisorption and chemisorption Adsorption isotherms: the Langmuir isotherm, *The BET isotherm, *other isotherms The rates of surface processes: the rate of adsorption, the rate of desorption 17 Colloids (4 hours) I. The Basic Requirements Classification and preparation, structure and stability, the electrical double layer II. Contents Classification and preparation Structure and stability The electrical double layer III、作业 每两学时布置 3-4 道计算题(中、英结合),每周收一次作业。在教学过程中的适当的知 识点可布置 1-2 道综合分析题。 通过习题的联系,使学生学会化学实验数据的处理方法,学会分析问题和解决问题的能 力,特别作一些科研和生产实际的数据处理,使学生了解一些科研和生产实例。 VI、 核方式及成绩评定 物理化学课程学习成绩分为上册成绩,包括: 1、 平时作业; PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 www.fineprint.com.cn
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