Developmental Milestones Contents Mean age: = Introduction Definition The average age children in a population achieve Developmental milestone a milestone Factors affecting development Median Age: Primary caregiver Definition The age when 50% of children achieve a Neonatal jaundice milestone Birth weight Expose to smoke Both mean age and median age can be used to Developmental delay indicate when a child will likely achieve a milestone ur velence and screening Management plan in HK Limit age: Definition: 2SD from the mean age children achieve a milestone e Indicate possibility that child is abnormal A fraction of such children will have true disorders but some will still be ReferencesDevelopmental Milestones  Mean Age:  Definition: The average age children in a population achieve a milestone  Median Age:  Definition: The age when 50% of children achieve a milestone Both Mean Age and Median Age can be used to indicate when a child will likely achieve a milestone  Limit Age:  Definition: 2SD from the mean age children achieve a milestone  Indicate possibility that child is abnormal.  A fraction of such children will have true disorders, but some will still be normal. Contents: => Introduction Developmental milestone Factors affecting development - Primary caregiver - Neonatal jaundice - Birth weight - Expose to smoke Developmental delay Surveilence and screening Management plan in HK - Screening - Mangagement plans - Support groups References
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