碳是能量的载体与结构的骨架 Carbon is needed for both energy and structure in life Light+6C02+6H20←→6CH20+602+Heat >碳是生命的双重载体-能量载体和结构骨架 Carbon is both energy and scaffold of life 空气组成Composition of air: 78%:氮气N2; 21%:氧气02; 0.9%:氩气Argon. 0.1o:二氧化碳,氖,氦,氪,氢臭氧C02,etc 1-4o:水蒸汽和其他气态物H20 vapor,others 二氧化碳C02:0.039%(万分之3.9)空气组成 Composition of air: 78 %: 氮气N2 ; 21 %:氧气O2; 0.9 % :氩气Argon. 0.1 %:二氧化碳,氖,氦, 氪, 氢 臭氧CO2, etc. 1-4 %:水蒸汽和其他气态物H2O vapor, others 二氧化碳CO2: 0.039 % (万分之3.9) 碳是能量的载体与结构的骨架 Carbon is needed for both energy and structure in life Light+6CO2+6H2O 6CH2O+6O2+Heat Ø碳是生命的双重载体-能量载体和结构骨架 Carbon is both energy and scaffold of life
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