The Background Knowledge Social Welfare(1) Public assistance programs, commonly called"welfare", provide cash or in-kind benefits for particular categories of the financially needy. The U.S. welfare system operates on both the federal and state levels. The federal welfare program is known as Social Security that provides benefits or assistance for child care, disability, food and medical assistance(also known as medic-aid). The state welfare programs, on the other hand, provide assistance to both individuals and local communities with state schooling and social insurance.The Background Knowledge Social Welfare (1) Public assistance programs, commonly called “welfare”, provide cash or in-kind benefits for particular categories of the financially needy. The U.S. welfare system operates on both the federal and state levels. The federal welfare program is known as Social Security that provides benefits or assistance for child care, disability, food and medical assistance (also known as medic-aid). The state welfare programs, on the other hand, provide assistance to both individuals and local communities with state schooling and social insurance