《播音主持语音与发声1》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:21230076 课程名称:播音主持语音与发声1 英文名称:Mandarin Pronunciation and Broadcasting Vocalization I 课程类别:专业课 学时:90学时 学分:6学分 适用对象:播音与主持艺术本科专业 考核方式:考试 先修课程:无 二、课程简介 《普通话语音和播音发声1》是播音与主持艺术专业一年级开设的专业基 础课。是培养合格的播音员、节目主持人的必修课。本课程通过讲授和有针对 性的训练,使学生系统地掌握普通话语音理论知识,熟练规范地运用普通话, 认识和理解播音发声理论知识,逐步掌握并运用科学的发声方法,做到发音准 确、清晰、圆润、集中,流畅,达到艺术语言表达的要求,以适应播音主持创 作的需要 为他 子 础 文艺 手品演播》 课程打下 坚实的基础。课程内容主要包括普通话声母、韵母、声调、语流音变等。 This is a basic course for freshmen majoring in Broadcasting and Hosting Art. It is compulsory for all who wish to qualify as an announcer and TV anchor. Through lectures and targeted trainings,students can have command of mandarin pronunciation theories,use mandarin proficiently and correctly,and understand broadcasting vocalization theories.Besides,students would gradually master and practice the scientific vocalizing methods,pronounce in an accurate,clear,mellow, concentrated and fluent way to meet the request of artistic expression and satisfy the need of broadcasting and hosting creation.It also builds a solid foundation for subsequent courses such as Broadcasting Creation Fundamentals and Literary and Artistic Work Broadcasting.The course mainly covers the initial consonants, simple or compound vowels,tones,flowsand phonetics changes,etc. 三、课程性质与教学目的 《播音主持语音与发声【》是播音与主持艺术专业的一门专业基础课、必 修课,也是播音与主持艺术专业的核心课程。本课程旨在通过课堂教学和实践 训练,使学生包括掌握普通话语音的特点和性质、辅音和声母、元音和韵母、 普通话声调和语流音变、普通话音节结构和声韵拼合关系等基本理论,并通过 练习克服方言问题和其他语音问题,达到语音的标准纯正,熟练规范地使用 定水平的普通话,为接下来的专业课程打好基础。 本门课程的思政元素融入教学内容,主要集中在弘扬中华优秀传统文化、1 《播音主持语音与发声Ⅰ》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:21230076 课程名称:播音主持语音与发声Ⅰ 英文名称:Mandarin Pronunciation and Broadcasting Vocalization I 课程类别:专业课 学 时: 90 学时 学 分:6 学分 适用对象: 播音与主持艺术本科专业 考核方式:考试 先修课程:无 二、课程简介 《普通话语音和播音发声Ⅰ》是播音与主持艺术专业一年级开设的专业基 础课。是培养合格的播音员、节目主持人的必修课。本课程通过讲授和有针对 性的训练,使学生系统地掌握普通话语音理论知识,熟练规范地运用普通话, 认识和理解播音发声理论知识,逐步掌握并运用科学的发声方法,做到发音准 确、清晰、圆润、集中、流畅,达到艺术语言表达的要求,以适应播音主持创 作的需要。为他们进一步学好《播音创作基础》《文艺作品演播》等课程打下 坚实的基础。课程内容主要包括普通话声母、韵母、声调、语流音变等。 This is a basic course for freshmen majoring in Broadcasting and Hosting Art. It is compulsory for all who wish to qualify as an announcer and TV anchor. Through lectures and targeted trainings, students can have command of mandarin pronunciation theories, use mandarin proficiently and correctly, and understand broadcasting vocalization theories. Besides, students would gradually master and practice the scientific vocalizing methods, pronounce in an accurate, clear, mellow, concentrated and fluent way to meet the request of artistic expression and satisfy the need of broadcasting and hosting creation. It also builds a solid foundation for subsequent courses such as Broadcasting Creation Fundamentals and Literary and Artistic Work Broadcasting. The course mainly covers the initial consonants, simple or compound vowels, tones, flows and phonetics changes, etc.. 三、课程性质与教学目的 《播音主持语音与发声Ⅰ》是播音与主持艺术专业的一门专业基础课、必 修课,也是播音与主持艺术专业的核心课程。本课程旨在通过课堂教学和实践 训练,使学生包括掌握普通话语音的特点和性质、辅音和声母、元音和韵母、 普通话声调和语流音变、普通话音节结构和声韵拼合关系等基本理论,并通过 练习克服方言问题和其他语音问题,达到语音的标准纯正,熟练规范地使用一 定水平的普通话,为接下来的专业课程打好基础。 本门课程的思政元素融入教学内容,主要集中在弘扬中华优秀传统文化
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