Acknowledgments Disclosure Statement rateful to miss Ute Gitzen and Miss Tani LB..LH..LL.and KP.have nothing to disclose:S.HP.con sults for Apitope,and G.J.K.consults for Apitope and Quidel. References atior D:Gra N Eng d o antibod ront Endocrine 14 Lee HI.Li CW,Ha ad M. Bagnasco M.Giavarina D.Bizzaro with Gr 15 IC Ender for and preva eta-analysis.Auto 26 Bic 27 S.I 16 waT, DS.Bur B. Coope DS.Greenle e e auchi A ke arca vs.high o ansen PS.Ky G]:Novel chim 18 it GH.Mor T.Klasen R.Oliyo PD Ka haly G]:A gradin ng and lating activity erri El SH' d autoanti in the diag 山 A.o 52 opin assay to s al relevans th ing h Kahaly/Bartalena/Hegeduis/Leenhardt/ Poppe/Pearce 医通 http://guide.medlive.cn/ Kahaly/Bartalena/Hegedüs/Leenhardt/ Poppe/Pearce 182 Eur Thyroid J 2018;7:167–186 DOI: 10.1159/000490384 Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to Miss Ute Gitzen and Miss Tanja Diana, MSc, PhD, Thyroid Research Lab, JGU Medical Center, Mainz, Germany, for their valuable help in coediting the manu￾script and compiling the reference list using Endnote software. Disclosure Statement L.B., L.H., L.L., and K.P. have nothing to disclose; S.H.P. con￾sults for Apitope, and G.J.K. consults for Apitope and Quidel. 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