教案 讲授章节 Unit 1 Half a Day (5) 授课时数 教学目的: Consolidate Ss'learning about vocabulary,idiomatic expressions and grammar Discuss further about article's theme 教学内容(讲授提纲) I.Difference between present participle and past participleused as adjective modifier. 1)语态不同:现在分词表示主动,及物动词的过去分词表示被动注:不及物动词的过去分词 只有“完成”含义,而不表示被动。 an inspiring speech鼓舞人心的演说 the inspiredaudiee受到鼓舞的观众 the falling leaves落叶(正往下落的) the fallen leaves落叶(已经落到地面的 2)时间关系不同:现在分词作定语,多表示“动作正在进行或“与谓语同时进行"“或“经常性”。 过去分词作定语,则多表示分词动作先于位于动词表示的动作”或“没有一定的时间性”。 1.Do you know the boy(lie)under the big tree?(lying) 2 The woman. (sell)vegetables has gone.(selling) 3.The wheat is watered by water(bring)from a pond.(brought) 4.He is a leader (respect)by the people.(respected) 3)及物动词的过去分词done)与现在分词的被动式(being done)都可以表示“被动”,但前者多 表示一个完成了的动作,而后者则表示 一个正在进行的动作 the problem discussed vesterdav The problem being discussed 4)过去分词(done)与现在分词的完成被动式(having been done)都表示“完成和“被动 但前者的时何性不变,而后者更加强调分词动作明显先于谓语动作 He is a teacher(respect)by all.(respected) (tell)to stay in Beijing.the boy decided not to returned to his village.(Having been told) Exercises: 1.Don't use words,expressions,or phrases only to people with specific knowledge A.being known B.having been known 教 案 讲授章节 Unit 1 Half a Day (5) 授课时数 2 教学目的: Consolidate Ss’learning about vocabulary, idiomatic expressions and grammar Discuss further about article’s theme 教 学 内 容(讲授提纲) I. Difference between present participle and past participle used as adjective modifier. 1)语态不同:现在分词表示主动,及物动词的过去分词表示被动注:不及物动词的过去分词 只有“完成”含义,而不表示被动。 an inspiring speech 鼓舞人心的演说 the inspired audience 受到鼓舞的观众 the falling leaves 落叶(正往下落的) the fallen leaves 落叶(已经落到地面的) 2) 时间关系不同:现在分词作定语,多表示“动作正在进行”或“与谓语同时进行”或“经常性”。 过去分词作定语,则多表示分词动作“先于位于动词表示的动作” 或“ 没有一定的时间性”。 1. Do you know the boy _ (lie) under the big tree? (lying) 2 The woman _ (sell) vegetables has gone. (selling) 3. The wheat is watered by water _ (bring) from a pond. (brought) 4. He is a leader_ (respect) by the people. (respected) 3) 及物动词的过去分词(done)与现在分词的被动式(being done)都可以表示“被动”,但前者多 表示一个完成了的动作,而后者则表示一个正在进行的动作。 the problem discussed yesterday The problem being discussed 4) 过去分词(done)与现在分词的完成被动式(having been done)都表示“完成”和“被动”, 但前者的时间性不变,而后者更加强调分词动作明显先于谓语动作。 He is a teacher _ (respect) by all. (respected) _ (tell) to stay in Beijing, the boy decided not to returned to his village. (Having been told) Exercises: 1. Don’t use words, expressions, or phrases _ only to people with specific knowledge. A. being known B. having been known
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