Encoding/Decoding Framework The moment of encoding:'the institutional practices and organizational conditions and practices of production'; programme as The moment of the text:'the...symbolic meaningfulise construction,arrangement and perhaps performance...The form and content of what is published or broadcast'; encoding decodng meaning meaning Mass media codes offer their readers social sructures1 structures2 identities which some may adopt as their own. But readers do not necessarily accept such frameworks frameworks codes. ofknowedge fknowlege Messages and meanings cannot be isolated from such constitutive contextual factors.In ieleioredt ref pioduction poduction its acknowledgement of social functions this is a model which is consonant with the techica technical structuralist theory that the subject is inrasrcre rhiauctue constructed through discourse.Encoding/Decoding Framework • The moment of encoding: 'the institutional practices and organizational conditions and practices of production' ; • The moment of the text: 'the... symbolic construction, arrangement and perhaps performance... The form and content of what is published or broadcast' ; • Mass media codes offer their readers social identities which some may adopt as their own. But readers do not necessarily accept such codes. • Messages and meanings cannot be isolated from such constitutive contextual factors. In its acknowledgement of social functions this is a model which is consonant with the structuralist theory that the subject is constructed through discourse
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