Chapter 8 Examples of Hydraulic Systems Tab.8-1 YT4543 type power-slipway hydraulic system operation eycle Component IYA 2YA 3YA Pressure Distance Operation switch 11 valve 13 Quick feed Actuated (differential-area connection) Working feed 1 + Released Working feed 2 + + Released End block dwell + + Released Quick retract 十 Released →Actuated Stop Actuated Homepage List Upwards Downwards Retumn ExitChapter 8 Examples of Hydraulic Systems 7 Component Operation 1YA 2YA 3YA Pressure switch 11 Distance valve 13 Quick feed (differential-area connection) + - - - Actuated Working feed 1 + - - - Released Working feed 2 + - + - Released End block dwell + - + + Released Quick retract - + ± - Released →Actuated Stop - - - - Actuated Tab.8-1 YT4543 type power-slipway hydraulic system operation cycle
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