希罗多德墓前的碑文 ·“这座坟墓里埋葬着吕克瑟司的儿子希罗多德的骸骨 他是用伊奥尼亚方言写作的历史学家之中最优秀者, 他是在多里亚人的国度里长大的,可是为了逃避无法 忍受的流言蜚语,他使图里奥伊变成了自己的故乡。” Herodotus the son of sphynx Lies, in lonic history without peer, A Dorian born who fled from Slander's brand And made in Thuria his new native land希罗多德墓前的碑⽂ • “ᬯଷࣞऽ᯾ई៳፳ظݾቴݪጱد૶ৼᗔग़஛ጱṐṋ̶ ՜ฎአնॿੰԵො᥺ٟ֢ጱܲݥ਍ਹԏӾ๋սᐹᘏ҅ ՜ฎࣁग़᯾ԵՈጱࢵଶ᯾ᳩय़ጱ҅ݢฎԅԧᭈ᭿෫ဩ தݑጱၞ᥺ᢷ᧍҅՜ֵࢶ᯾ॿնݒ౮ԧᛔ૩ጱඳԠ̶” • Herodotus the son of Sphynx Lies; in Ionic history without peer; A Dorian born, who fled from Slander's brand And made in Thuria his new native land
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