Polant es are established along anterior- 29.3A gradient must be posterior (head-tail) axis and dorsal-ventral (back-abdomen) converted into discrete Enteric Posterior compartments Ventral he larva Mouth parts are at antenor, tail parts at Figure 29. 1 Gradients in the postenior. Bands of denticles extend from the ventral side, and identify segmentation units egg are translated into along the anterior-postenor axis segments on the anterior posterior axis and into Mouth Denticles specialized structures on the Adult fly dorsal-ventral axis of the Segmented structure has 3 thoracic segments &8 abdominal segments larva. and then into the segmented structure of the adult fly 消当 Thorax AbdomenFigure 29.1 Gradients in the egg are translated into segments on the anteriorposterior axis and into specialized structures on the dorsal-ventral axis of the larva, and then into the segmented structure of the adult fly. 29.3 A gradient must be converted into discrete compartments