王迪等:智能法律合约及其研究进展 81· [36]Grosof B N,Labrou Y,Chan H Y.A declarative approach to Security.Berlin,2018:523 business rules in contracts:courteous logic programs in XML / [43]Wang P W.Yang H T,Meng J,et al.Formal definition for Proceedings of the 1st ACM conference on Electronic commerce. classical smart contracts and reference implementation.J Sofiw Colorado,1999:68 2019,30(9):2608 [37]Governatori G.Representing business contracts in RuleML.IntJ (王璞巍,杨航天,孟估,等.面向合同的智能合约的形式化定义 Coop Inf6Sys1,2005,14(2-3):181 及参考实现.软件学报,2019,30(9):2608) [38]Governatori G,Milosevic Z.A formal analysis of a business [44]O'Connor R.Simplicity:A new language for blockchains / contract language.Int/Coop Info Syst,2006.15(4):659 Proceedings of the 2017 Workshop on Programming Languages [39]Governatori G,Pham D H.Dr-contract:An architecture for e- and Analysis for Security.Dallas,2017:107 contracts in defeasible logic.Int J Bus Process Integr Manag. [45]Biryukov A,Khovratovich D,Tikhomirov S.Findel:secure 2009.4(3):187 derivative contracts for ethereum.Financial Cryptogr Data Secur [40]Idelberger F,Governatori G,Riveret R,et al.Evaluation of logic- 2017:453 based smart contracts for blockchain systems /International [46]Regnath E,Steinhorst S.SmaCoNat:smart contracts in natural Symposium on Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web.Galway,2016:167 language /2018 Forum on Specification Design Languages [41]Frantz C K,Nowostawski M.From institutions to code:Towards (FDL).Garching,2018:5 automated generation of smart contracts /2016 /EEE 1st [47]Choudhury O,Rudolph N,Sylla I,et al.Auto-generation of smart International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* contracts from domain-specific ontologies and semantic rules Systems (FAS*W).Augsburg,2016:210 2018 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things [42]Mavridou A,Laszka A.Designing secure ethereum smart (iThings)and IEEE Green Computing and Communications contracts:A finite state machine based approach /Proceedings of (GreenCom)and IEEE Cyber,Physical and Social Computing International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data (CPSCom)and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData).Halifax,2018:963Grosof  B  N,  Labrou  Y,  Chan  H  Y.  A  declarative  approach  to business  rules  in  contracts:  courteous  logic  programs  in  XML  // Proceedings of the 1st ACM conference on Electronic commerce. Colorado, 1999: 68 [36] Governatori G. Representing business contracts in RuleML. Int J Coop Info Syst, 2005, 14(2-3): 181 [37] Governatori  G,  Milosevic  Z.  A  formal  analysis  of  a  business contract language. Int J Coop Info Syst, 2006, 15(4): 659 [38] Governatori  G,  Pham  D  H.  Dr-contract:  An  architecture  for  e￾contracts  in  defeasible  logic. Int J Bus Process Integr Manag, 2009, 4(3): 187 [39] Idelberger F, Governatori G, Riveret R, et al. Evaluation of logic￾based  smart  contracts  for  blockchain  systems  // International Symposium on Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web. Galway, 2016: 167 [40] Frantz C K, Nowostawski M. From institutions to code: Towards automated  generation  of  smart  contracts  //  2016 IEEE 1st International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems (FAS*W). Augsburg, 2016: 210 [41] Mavridou  A,  Laszka  A.  Designing  secure  ethereum  smart contracts: A finite state machine based approach // Proceedings of International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data [42] Security. Berlin, 2018: 523 Wang  P  W,  Yang  H  T,  Meng  J,  et  al.  Formal  definition  for classical  smart  contracts  and  reference  implementation. J Softw, 2019, 30(9): 2608 (王璞巍, 杨航天, 孟佶, 等. 面向合同的智能合约的形式化定义 及参考实现. 软件学报, 2019, 30(9):2608) [43] O'Connor  R.  Simplicity:  A  new  language  for  blockchains  // Proceedings of the 2017 Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security. Dallas, 2017: 107 [44] Biryukov  A,  Khovratovich  D,  Tikhomirov  S.  Findel:  secure derivative contracts for ethereum. Financial Cryptogr Data Secur, 2017: 453 [45] Regnath  E,  Steinhorst  S.  SmaCoNat:  smart  contracts  in  natural language  //  2018 Forum on Specification & Design Languages (FDL). Garching, 2018: 5 [46] Choudhury O, Rudolph N, Sylla I, et al. Auto-generation of smart contracts  from  domain-specific  ontologies  and  semantic  rules  // 2018 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData). Halifax, 2018: 963 [47] 王    迪等: 智能法律合约及其研究进展 · 81 ·
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