Vol.29 SuppL 2 王宝雨等:偏心轴类零件楔横轧轧制力分析 151。 成形质量 效应.农业机械学报,1992,23(4):71 (4)非轧制区接触力是影响偏心轴类零件楔横 【到白志斌,李东平,洪钟延.汽车刹车蹄片轴的偏心精密成形 吉林工业大学自然科学学报,2000(4):21 轧的轧制偏心极限的一个重要因素. 【9虞跃生,万贤毅.汽车上偏心轴类件的楔横轧工艺研究及应 参考文献 用.汽车科技,2003(3):34 【习周纪华,管克智。金属塑性变形阻力.北京:机械工业出版社, 【刂胡正襄,张康生,王宝雨,等.楔横轧零件成形技术与模拟仿 1989 真.北京:治金工业出版社,2004 【[(何涛.杨竞,金鑫.ANS YSI0O/LS-DYNA非线性有限元分析 【2】任广升,白志斌,洪忠延,等.楔横轧成形偏心件的条件与相位 实例指导教程.北京:机械工业出版社,2007 Research on rolling pressure of cross wedge rolling of parts with eccentric section WANG Baoyu,HE Tao,HU Zhenghuan Mechanical Engineening School,University of Science and Technology Beijing.Beijing 100083.Chim ABSTRACT The rolling force of rolling zone were completely and sy stematically analyzed by using FEM. Based on these researches,the cause and the affection of contact force of non-rolling zone were found out.The researches were benefit to understanding of the forming mechanism,rotating conditions and eccentric limit of cross wedge rolling of parts with eccentric section. KEY WORDS cross w edge rolling;parts with eccentric section;contact force;rolling force成形质量 . ( 4)非轧制区接触力是影响偏心轴类零件楔横 轧的轧制偏心极限的一个重要因素 . 参 考 文 献 [ 1] 胡正寰, 张康生, 王宝雨, 等.楔横轧零件成形技术与模拟仿 真.北京:冶金工业出版社, 2004 [ 2] 任广升, 白志斌, 洪忠延, 等.楔横轧成形偏心件的条件与相位 效应.农业机械学报, 1992, 23( 4) :71 [ 3] 白志斌, 李东平, 洪钟延.汽车刹车蹄片轴的偏心精密成形. 吉林工业大学自然科学学报, 2000( 4) :21 [ 4] 虞跃生, 万贤毅.汽车上偏心轴类件的楔横轧工艺研究及应 用.汽车科技, 2003( 3) :34 [ 5] 周纪华, 管克智.金属塑性变形阻力.北京:机械工业出版社, 1989 [ 6] 何涛, 杨竞, 金鑫.ANSYS10.0/ LS-DYNA 非线性有限元分析 实例指导教程.北京:机械工业出版社, 2007 Research on rolling pressure of cross wedge rolling of parts with eccentric section WANG Baoyu , HE Tao, HU Zhenghuan Mechanical Engineering School, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083,C hina ABSTRACT The rolling fo rce of rolling zone w ere completely and sy stematically analyzed by using FEM . Based on these researches, the cause and the affection of contact force of non-rolling zone w ere found out .The researches were benefit to understanding of the forming mechanism, ro tating conditions and eccentric limit of cross wedge rolling of parts w ith eccentric section . KEY WORDS cross w edge rolling ;parts w ith eccentric section ;contact force;rolling force Vol.29 Suppl.2 王宝雨等:偏心轴类零件楔横轧轧制力分析 · 151 ·
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