medieval Christian doctrine and emphasizes the humanity of Christ and the imagery of human passion. 2.3.2.Medieval Romance The features of Romance a)The romance was a long composition,sometimes in verse, sometimes in prose,describing the life and adventures of a noble hero. b)Hero:usually the knight,a man of noble birth,skilled in the use of weapons,who sets out on a joumey to accomplish some goal-to protect the church and the king,to attack infidelity,to rescue a maiden,to meet a challenge,or to obey a knightly command. c)The structure is loose and episodic;the language and style are simple and straightforward. d)It was written for the noble class,so it had nothing to do with the common people. e)It exaggerates the vices ofhuman nature and idealizes the virtues. f)It contains perilous adventures more or less remote from ordinary life,even describes supernatural things. Romance Cycles Romances falls into three cycles 1)"matters of Britain"(adventures of King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table),medieval Christian doctrine and emphasizes the humanity of Christ and the imagery of human passion. 2.3.2. Medieval Romance The features of Romance a) The romance was a long composition, sometimes in verse, sometimes in prose, describing the life and adventures of a noble hero. b) Hero: usually the knight, a man of noble birth, skilled in the use of weapons, who sets out on a journey to accomplish some goal - to protect the church and the king, to attack infidelity, to rescue a maiden, to meet a challenge, or to obey a knightly command. c) The structure is loose and episodic; the language and style are simple and straightforward. d) It was written for the noble class, so it had nothing to do with the common people. e) It exaggerates the vices of human nature and idealizes the virtues. f) It contains perilous adventures more or less remote from ordinary life, even describes supernatural things. Romance Cycles Romances falls into three cycles : 1)“matters of Britain”( adventures of King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table), 5’ 5’ 5’
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