6.001, Spring Semester, 2005--Quiz Il art Gu ol c EaO五i Here is a definit ion of a hig her order procedure for performing computat ions on trees(w here trees are represented as a list, w hose element s are eit her leaves(i.e, values such as numbers or sy mbols) or ot her trees). You may assume that leaf? is a predicate that returns true for any object that is ot a tree: (define (process-tree tr leaf-op combine init) if (null? tr) ini七 (if (leaf? tr) (leaf-op tr (combine (process-tree (car tr) leaf-op combine init) (process-tree (cdr tr) leaf ombine init))))) Below are a set of descript ions of operat ions on trees A: ret urns a new copy of the input tree B: ret urns a pointer to the original input tree C: sums the values of the leaves of the input tree D: sums the values of t he even-valued leaves of the input tree E: sums the values of the odd- valued leaves of the input tre reverses the top level of the input tree G: deep reverses the input tree(i.e. reverses each level of the tree count s the numbers of leaves in the input tree I: ret urns the value of the first leaf of the input tree J: flattens the input tree(i. e, ret urns a single list of all the elements of the tree in order K: none of the above J % = )) % % ?,) % % % %& ,)% % ) -% ?!!& -% %) % 0% %.0%B ) %B! . %% ) % ) % . 0 1 ) % 2 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 9, % %% % %2 2 % , . ) 92 % ) 2 %% ) -% ) -% ) 2 %% ) -% ) -7- -% ) 2 %% ) -% ) 7- -% ) 2 -%% ) - ) 2 -%% ) ?!! -%% ) - ) B 2 % ) 0% -% ) 2 % ) - ) =% ) K2 F% ) ?!!& % % % ) % ) B 82 ) 0-