4. Drugs with molecular weights of 100 to 800 and adequate lipid and aqueous solubility can permeate skin. Ihe ideal molecular weight of a drug for transdermaldrug delivery is believed to be 400 or less 分子量在100和800之间并且具有一定的 脂溶性和水溶性的药物能渗透入皮肤。理 想的经皮吸收系统的药物分子量应为400 或更小。4. Drugs with molecular weights of 100 to 800 and adequate lipid and aqueous solubility can permeate skin. The ideal molecular weight of a drug for transdermal drug delivery is believed to be 400 or less. 分子量在100和800之间并且具有一定的 脂溶性和水溶性的药物能渗透入皮肤。理 想的经皮吸收系统的药物分子量应为400 或更小