21.6 Homeodomains bind related targets in DNA N-ter minal arm Helix 1 En Glu Lys Arg Pro Arg Thr Al Phe SerSer Glu GIn Leu Ah Arg Leu Lys Ang Glu Phe Asn Glu Antp Arg Lys Arg Gly Arg GiIn Thi Tyr Thr Arg Tyr GIn Thr Leu Glu Leu Glu Lys Glu Phe He Phe Out2 Ang Ang Lys L Arg Thr Set lle Glu Thr Asn val Arg Phe Ah Leu Glu Lye Ser Phe Leu Ah Helkx2 Asn Ang Tyr Leu Thr Glu Arg Arg Arg Glu Glu Leu Ser Ser Glu Leu Gly Leu Antp Aan Arg Tyr Leu Thr Arg ArgArgArg lle Glu lle Ab His Ab Leu Cya Leu Ot2 Aan Glu Lya Pro Thr Ser Glu Glu lle Leu Leu le Ab Glu Gin Leu His Met Helix 3 En Aan Glu Ala Gln Ile La Ile Trp Phe GIn Asn L Arg Ab Lya lle Lya Ls Ser Aan Antp Thr Glu Arg Gin Ile Lys le Trp Phe GIn Asn Ang Arg Met Lys Trp Lya Lys Glu Aan Ot2 Glu Lya Glu \al lle Arg Val Trp Phe Cys Asn Arg Arg GIn Lye Glu Lya Arg le Asn Figure 21. 11 The homeodomain of the Antennapedia gene represents the major group of genes containing homeoboxes in Drosophila; engrailed(en) represents another type of homeotic gene and the mammalian factor Oct-2 represents a distantly related group of transcription factors The homeodomain is conventionally numbered from 1 to 60. It starts with the N-terminal arm 请莘大 and the three helical regions occupy residues 10-22, 28-38, and 42-58Figure 21.11 The homeodomain of the Antennapedia gene represents the major group of genes containing homeoboxes in Drosophila; engrailed (en) represents another type of homeotic gene; and the mammalian factor Oct-2 represents a distantly related group of transcription factors. The homeodomain is conventionally numbered from 1 to 60. It starts with the N-terminal arm, and the three helical regions occupy residues 10-22,28-38, and 42-58. 21.6 Homeodomains bind related targets in DNA