上游充通大学 材料科学与工程学院 School of Materials Science and Engineering.SJTU 1896 1920 1987 2006 化学工程(Chemical Engineering) - Chemical engineers develop large scale plants that produce products that are used in every day life. -They plan,design,construct,operate and maintain complex systems that produce Petroleum products Biochemical products Building materials Fertilizers Plastics and polymers Cosmetics Oil and natural gas 工程学导论-李军(材料B楼308)1896 1920 1987 2006 工程学导论-李军(材料B楼308) • 化学工程(Chemical Engineering) – Chemical engineers develop large scale plants that produce products that are used in every day life. – They plan, design, construct, operate and maintain complex systems that produce Petroleum products Building materials Plastics and polymers Oil and natural gas Biochemical products Fertilizers Cosmetics
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