Joseph H.Hulse Trends in Food Science Technology 15(2004)3-18 云 Rudolph Virchow diagnosed and described 1847 J.Y.Simpson (Edinburgh)nitrous oxide, leucaemia,thromboses,embolisms. ether and chlorophorm as anaesthetics. Virchow's hypothesis:cells ultimate units of all 1855 Nathaniel Pringsheim (German)reported organic life and pathological disturbance. fusion of male spermatozoa with female ovum Virchow's cellular theory of pathology coincident and how resultant cell differentiated into new with atomic theory of physics. orgnanisms. Virchow's studies plus advances in analytical 1870s E.Strasburger and Oskar Herrwig chemistry formed basis of pharmacology: (Germany)described (1)division of nuclei,(2) chemical composition related to therapeutic fusion of two nuclei one from each parent. function. 1858 A.R.Wallace (UK)Theory of evolution- Alkaloids first therapeutics isolated:morphine transmitted to Charles Darwin. (1806),strychnine (1818),quinine (1820) 1859 Charles Darwin 'On the Origin of Species 1816 G.Cuvier (French)categorised animals in by means of Natural Selection'. four classes:Vertebrata,Mollusca,Articulata, 1850s German chemical and pharmaceutical Radiata. industries developed. 1832 J.von Liebig (German)demonstrated that Chemical synthesis of drugs.Among first,amyl chloral hydrate induces sleep. nitrate to treat angina pectoris. 1820 Bracconot (French)hydrolized gelatin to Alkaloids atropine,cocaine and nicotine synthe- produce glycine,meat and wool-leucine. sized. 1838 Berzelius(Swedish)coined the name"Pro- 1870 Veronal (phenobarbitol)synthesized by tein”'(GreekΠDOTEOG-Proteos:that which Emil Fischer. comes first')for nitrogenous organic compounds. 1835 Agostino Bassi(Italian)reported disease in 1846 von Liebig isolated tyrosine. silk worms caused by microfungus. 1860-1900 Most other essential amino acids 1860s Casimir Davaine (French)identified bac- isolated.Last was threonine in 1930. teria in blood of animals infected with Anthrax 1840-50s J.von Liebig recognized proteins, bacteria. lipids,carbohydrates and various minerals as 1860s Louis Pasteur (French)proved micro- essential to human and animal nutrition. organisms are the cause not the result of fer- 1854 Lawes and Gilbert (UK)demonstrated mentation in decaying matter. difference in nutritive value among plant proteins 1860s-80s Pasteur revealed the link between fed to pigs. bacteria and disease by studying infected silk- 1825 F.B.Raspall,using iodine as a dye, worms,other sources of pathogens.He showed revealed the distribution of starch in plant bacteria as the cause of acidity in beer. cells.Regarded as the founding father of histo- Whitbreads UK brewery-first to use microscope chemistry. for quality control. 1828 Friedrich Wohler (German)synthesized 1860s Robert Koch (German)devised selective urea from inorganic ammonium isocyanate. staining to assist microscopic identification of 1827 K.E.von Baer (Estonian)described the microorganisms. mammalian egg 1882 Koch identified Mycobacierium tuberculo- 1830 Robert Brown (Scotland)described nuclei sum as the infective cause of pulmonary tuber- in plant cells. culosis.Koch's diagnostic procedure:(1)isolate 1838 M.J.Schleiden and Theodur Schwann and culture the organism;(2)infect laboratory (Germany)cooperatively recognised the similar- mice with the cultured organism:(3)recover the ity on nuclei in plant and animal cells.From organism from mouse tissue. early 1830s active interest in cytology. 1867 Joseph Lister(UK surgeon)used phenol to 1840-80 Progressive discovery of chromosomes- disinfect wounds. naturally colourless,made visible by selective 1870 C.J.Eberth (German)laid the basis for affinity with chemical dyes. virology by filtering out Anthrax bacteria from 1840s-60s Several reports that organisms develop blood from which Pasteur diagnosed diseases by repeated cell division organic cells consist of caused by microscopically invisible organisms nuclei embedded in protoplasm,(Greek 'first to that passed through microbial filters.Pasteur be moulded'). began diagnosis of viral diseases. 1840s William Perkin (UK)trying to synthesise 1866 Gregor Mendel identified inheritable quinine from analine sulphate accidentally pro- characters in noticeably different pea varieties. duced first synthetic dye:mauveine.laid basis for Mendel's results ignored until rediscovered by the European dyestuffs industries. American scientist in 1900.Rudolph Virchow diagnosed and described leucaemia, thromboses, embolisms. Virchow’s hypothesis: cells ultimate units of all organic life and pathological disturbance. Virchow’s cellular theory of pathology coincident with atomic theory of physics. Virchow’s studies plus advances in analytical chemistry formed basis of pharmacology: chemical composition related to therapeutic function. Alkaloids first therapeutics isolated: morphine (1806), strychnine (1818), quinine (1820) 1816 G. Cuvier (French) categorised animals in four classes: Vertebrata, Mollusca, Articulata, Radiata. 1832 J. von Liebig (German) demonstrated that chloral hydrate induces sleep. 1820 Bracconot (French) hydrolized gelatin to produce glycine, meat and wool—leucine. 1838 Berzelius (Swedish) coined the name ‘‘Pro￾tein’’ (Greek roteos—Proteos: ‘that which comes first’) for nitrogenous organic compounds. 1846 von Liebig isolated tyrosine. 1860–1900 Most other essential amino acids isolated. Last was threonine in 1930. 1840–50s J. von Liebig recognized proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and various minerals as essential to human and animal nutrition. 1854 Lawes and Gilbert (UK) demonstrated difference in nutritive value among plant proteins fed to pigs. 1825 F. B. Raspall, using iodine as a dye, revealed the distribution of starch in plant cells. Regarded as the founding father of histo￾chemistry. 1828 Friedrich Wohler (German) synthesized urea from inorganic ammonium isocyanate. 1827 K. E. von Baer (Estonian) described the mammalian egg. 1830 Robert Brown (Scotland) described nuclei in plant cells. 1838 M. J. Schleiden and Theodur Schwann (Germany) cooperatively recognised the similar￾ity on nuclei in plant and animal cells. From early 1830s active interest in cytology. 1840–80 Progressive discovery of chromosomes— naturally colourless, made visible by selective affinity with chemical dyes. 1840s–60s Several reports that organisms develop by repeated cell division organic cells consist of nuclei embedded in protoplasm, (Greek ‘first to be moulded’). 1840s William Perkin (UK) trying to synthesise quinine from analine sulphate accidentally pro￾duced first synthetic dye: mauveine, laid basis for the European dyestuffs industries. 1847 J. Y. Simpson (Edinburgh) nitrous oxide, ether and chlorophorm as anaesthetics. 1855 Nathaniel Pringsheim (German) reported fusion of male spermatozoa with female ovum and how resultant cell differentiated into new orgnanisms. 1870s E. Strasburger and Oskar Herrwig (Germany) described (1) division of nuclei, (2) fusion of two nuclei one from each parent. 1858 A. R. Wallace (UK) Theory of evolution— transmitted to Charles Darwin. 1859 Charles Darwin ‘On the Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection’. 1850s German chemical and pharmaceutical industries developed. Chemical synthesis of drugs. Among first, amyl nitrate to treat angina pectoris. Alkaloids atropine, cocaine and nicotine synthe￾sized. 1870 Veronal (phenobarbitol) synthesized by Emil Fischer. 1835 Agostino Bassi (Italian) reported disease in silk worms caused by microfungus. 1860s Casimir Davaine (French) identified bac￾teria in blood of animals infected with Anthrax bacteria. 1860s Louis Pasteur (French) proved micro￾organisms are the cause not the result of fer￾mentation in decaying matter. 1860s–80s Pasteur revealed the link between bacteria and disease by studying infected silk￾worms, other sources of pathogens. He showed bacteria as the cause of acidity in beer. Whitbreads UK brewery—first to use microscope for quality control. 1860s Robert Koch (German) devised selective staining to assist microscopic identification of microorganisms. 1882 Koch identified Mycobacierium tuberculo￾sum as the infective cause of pulmonary tuber￾culosis. Koch’s diagnostic procedure: (1) isolate and culture the organism; (2) infect laboratory mice with the cultured organism; (3) recover the organism from mouse tissue. 1867 Joseph Lister (UK surgeon) used phenol to disinfect wounds. 1870 C. J. Eberth (German) laid the basis for virology by filtering out Anthrax bacteria from blood from which Pasteur diagnosed diseases caused by microscopically invisible organisms that passed through microbial filters. Pasteur began diagnosis of viral diseases. 1866 Gregor Mendel identified inheritable characters in noticeably different pea varieties. Mendel’s results ignored until rediscovered by American scientist in 1900. Joseph H. Hulse / Trends in Food Science & Technology 15 (2004) 3–18 15
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