ABOUT THE AUTHOR L.G."Skip"Wade decided to be romPo Ronald M.Magid AferBrom Rice 1969.Wade went on to Harvard University.where he did research with Pro- While at Harvard,he served as the Head Teaching H.Westheimer. After completing his Ph.D.at Harvard in 1974.Dr.Wade joined the chem te.Dr.Wade dents working toward careers in allareas of hiology.chemistry.human med. icine,veterinary medicine,and environmental studies.He also authored cal education,as well a Dr Wade has been a chemisty teaches organic chemistry and pursues research interests in organic synthe Dr.Wade's interest in forensic science has led him to testify as an expert wit- ness in court cases involving drugs and firearms.and he has worked as a many years. To my students and colleagues at Whitman CollegeABOUT THE AUTHOR L. G. "Skip 11 Wade decided to become a chemistry major dur￾ing his sophomore year at Rice University, while taking organic chemistry from Professor Ronald M. Magid. After receiving his B.A. from Rice in 1969, Wade went on to Harvard University, where he did research with Pro￾fessor James D. White. While at Harvard, he served as the Head Teaching Fellow for the organic laboratories and was strongly influenced by the teach￾ing methods of two master educators, Professors Leonard K. Nash and Frank H. Westheimer. After completing his Ph.D. at Harvard in 1974, Dr. Wade joined the chem￾istry faculty at Colorado State University. Over the course of fifteen years at Colorado State, Dr. Wade taught organic chemistry to thousands of stu￾dents working toward careers in all areas of biology, chemistry, human med￾icine, veterinary medicine, and environmental studies. He also authored research papers in organic synthesis and in chemical education, as well as eleven books reviewing current research in organic synthesis. Since 1989, Dr. Wade has been a chemistry professor at Whitman College, where he teaches organic chemistry and pursues research interests in organic synthe￾sis and forensic chemistry. Dr. Wade received the A. E. Lange Award for Dis￾tinguished Science Teaching at Whitman in 1993. Dr. Wade's interest in forensic science has led him to testify as an expert wit￾ness in court cases involving drugs and firearms, and he has worked as a police firearms instructor, drug consultant, and boating safety officer. He also enjoys repairing and restoring old violins and bows, which he has done professionally for many years. To my students and colleagues at Whitman College
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