·1152 工程科学学报,第38卷,第8期 C,C2颗粒后,其表面存在一些不平整的棱角,其硬度 gress of NiAl based alloys as high temperature structural materials. 远大于对磨盘的硬度.复合材料与对磨盘在对磨过程 Rare Met,2011,30(1):422 [8]Zhai W Z,Shi X L,Yao J,et al.Investigation of mechanical and 中,这些凸起的棱角会与对磨材料接触,并在载荷的作 tribological behaviors of multilayer graphene reinforced Nis Al ma- 用下嵌入到对磨材料中.嵌入的棱角在相对运动中对 trix composites.Compos Part B,2015,70:149 对磨材料进行切削、刮擦,使得对磨材料表面形成沟 Li S P,Luo H L,Feng D,et al.Influence of carbides characters 槽.当Cr,C2添加的体积分数为6%时,Cr,C2Ni3Al复 on microstructure and properties of Ni;Al base surface:strengthe- 合材料中凸起的棱角少,嵌入点数目少,单个嵌入点所 ning composite.J Mater Eng,2004(11):53 受的压强大,使得嵌入深度大,对磨盘材料表面易形成 (李尚平,骆合力,冯涤,等.碳化物特性对N,A!基表面强 化复合材料组织与性能的影响.材料工程,2004(11):53) 深沟槽,甚至产生深坑:当Cr,C2添加量进一步增多 [10]An T B,Gong K,Luo H L,et al.Analysis on microstructure 时,其嵌入点数目增多,单个嵌入点所受压强减小,嵌 and friction wear performance of chromium carbide/Ni,Al com- 入的深度反而减小,对对磨材料的切削、刮擦作用减 posite surfacing layer.Trans Chin Weld Inst,2012,33(2):101 弱,因此其表面沟槽逐渐变浅,甚至不明显.这些磨损 (安同邦,Gong Karin..,骆合力,等.碳化铬Ni3Al复合堆焊 后表面形貌结果图与上述盘的磨损量结果相一致 层组织及摩擦磨损分析.焊接学报,2012,33(2):101) [11]Gong K,Luo H L,Feng D,et al.Wear of Nig Al-based materi- 3结论 als and its chromium-carbide reinforced composites.Wear, 2008,265(11-12):1751 (1)热等静压技术制备的Cr,C,/Ni,Al复合材料 [12]An T B.Luo H L.Peng Y,et al.Characteristic analysis on 的微观组织均匀且致密.Cr,C,/Ni,A1复合材料中,强 CrC2/Nia Al hardfacing alloy layer.Ordnance Mater Sci Eng, 化相均匀分布于N,A1基体中,强化相在基体中所占 2010,33(2):48 比例随C,C,添加量的增大而上升.在热等静压条件 (安同邦,骆合力,彭云,等.Cr3C2iAl表面堆焊合金层 下,Cr,C2颗粒与Ni,A1颗粒之间发生了互扩散作用, 的特征分析.兵器材料科学与工程,2010,33(2):48) 3] 使部分CrC,颗粒转变为M,C,(M=Cr,Fe,Ni)结构. Ling S P,Luo HL,Feng D,et al.The stability of Cra C2 /Nig Al composite at elevated temperature.Acta Metall Sin,2007,43 (2)Cr,C2/Ni3Al复合材料中,CrC2强化相起到 (4):439 隔离摩擦副、阻断磨料切削的作用,从而减少对复合材 (李尚平,骆合力,冯涤,等.Cr3C2NiA复合材料的高温 料的磨损.因此随着CrC,含量的增大,CrC,/NiAl 稳定性.金属学报,2007,43(4):439) 复合材料的耐磨性能得到明显地提高 041 Ding Y J,Lei Q,Luo H L.et al.Room-temperature fretting (3)Ni,Al基体中Cr,C2比例较小时,Cr,C2/Ni3Al wear behavior of chromium carbide/NiAl composite.ron Steel Res1nt,2011,23(8):44 复合材料中C,C,强化相对对磨盘的切削、刮擦严重, (丁永军,雷强,骆合力,等.碳化铬NiA1复合材料的室 对磨盘损失严重:随着Ni,Al基体中Cr,C2比例的增 温微动磨损性能.钢铁研究学报,2011,23(8):44) 大,Cr,C,Ni,Al复合材料对对磨盘的磨损程度降低, 05] Li S P,Luo H L,CAO X,et al.Microstructure and room-em- 对磨盘的磨损量减少 perature wear-resistance of Cr,C2/Ni;Al composites.Rare Met Mater Eng,2008,37(1):115 参考文献 (李尚平,骆合力,曹栩,等.C3C2NiA复合材料的微观组织 1]Gong K.Luo H L.Zhou Z F,et al.Wear evaluation on NigAl/ 和室温耐磨性.稀有金属材料与工程,2008,37(1):115) MnS composite related to metallurgical processes.J Iron Steel Res [16]Vlasyuk R Z,Gripachevskii A N,Radomysel 'skii I D,et al. mt,2012,19(7):46 Changes in the chemical and phase compositions of a CrC2 parti- 2]Gong K,Luo H L,Feng D,et al.Nig Al-based intermetallic al- cle in contact with an iron matrix during sintering.Powder Metall loys as a new type of high-emperature and wear-resistant materi- Met Ceram,1984,23(8):597 als.J Iron Steel Res Int,2007,14(5):21 [17]Yuan Y L,Li Z G.Analysis of nucleation of carbide (Cr,Fe) B]Jozwik P,Polkowski W,Bojar Z.Applications of Ni Al based in- C:in the Cr C2/Fe-CrNiBSi composite coating.Suf Coat termetallic alloys-current stage and potential perceptivities.Materi- Technol,.2013,228:41 ah,2015,8(5):2537 [8] Gong K,Lin Z,Tian Z L,et al.Investigation on subsurface lay- 4]Zhu S Y,Bi Q L,Yang J,et al.Ni,Al matrix high temperature er of NisAl-alloy and its composites induced by friction/Pro self-ubricating composites.Tribol Int,2011,44(4):445. ceedings of International Conference on Innovatire Technologies. [5]Wu L,Yao J,Dong H X,et al.The corrosion behavior of porous Rijeka,2012 Nis Al intermetallic materials in strong alkali solution.Intermetal- 19]Gong K,Zhou Z F,Shum P W,et al.Tribological evaluation on lics,2011,19(11):1759 Nig Al-based alloy and its composites under unlubricated wear Li S P,Feng D.Luo H L Microstructure and abrasive wear per- condition.Wear,2011,270(3 -4)195 formance of chromium carbide reinforced NigAl matrix composite 120]Luo H L,Gong K,Li S P,et al.Abrasive wear comparison of coating.Surf Coat Technol,2007,201 (8):4542 CraC/NiAl composite and stellite 12 alloy cladding.ron Wang J X,Qian J H,Zhang X J,et al.Research status and pro- Steel Res Int,2007,14(5):15工程科学学报,第 38 卷,第 8 期 Cr3C2 颗粒后,其表面存在一些不平整的棱角,其硬度 远大于对磨盘的硬度. 复合材料与对磨盘在对磨过程 中,这些凸起的棱角会与对磨材料接触,并在载荷的作 用下嵌入到对磨材料中. 嵌入的棱角在相对运动中对 对磨材料进行切削、刮擦,使得对磨材料表面形成沟 槽. 当 Cr3C2 添加的体积分数为 6% 时,Cr3C2 /Ni3Al 复 合材料中凸起的棱角少,嵌入点数目少,单个嵌入点所 受的压强大,使得嵌入深度大,对磨盘材料表面易形成 深沟槽,甚至产生深坑; 当 Cr3C2 添加量进一步增多 时,其嵌入点数目增多,单个嵌入点所受压强减小,嵌 入的深度反而减小,对对磨材料的切削、刮擦作用减 弱,因此其表面沟槽逐渐变浅,甚至不明显. 这些磨损 后表面形貌结果图与上述盘的磨损量结果相一致. 3 结论 ( 1) 热等静压技术制备的 Cr3C2 /Ni3Al 复合材料 的微观组织均匀且致密. Cr3C2 /Ni3Al 复合材料中,强 化相均匀分布于 Ni3Al 基体中,强化相在基体中所占 比例随 Cr3C2 添加量的增大而上升. 在热等静压条件 下,Cr3C2 颗粒与 Ni3Al 颗粒之间发生了互扩散作用, 使部分 Cr3C2 颗粒转变为 M7C3 ( M = Cr,Fe,Ni) 结构. ( 2) Cr3C2 /Ni3Al 复合材料中,Cr3C2 强化相起到 隔离摩擦副、阻断磨料切削的作用,从而减少对复合材 料的磨损. 因此随着 Cr3C2 含量的增大,Cr3C2 /Ni3Al 复合材料的耐磨性能得到明显地提高. ( 3) Ni3Al 基体中 Cr3C2 比例较小时,Cr3C2 /Ni3Al 复合材料中 Cr3C2 强化相对对磨盘的切削、刮擦严重, 对磨盘损失严重; 随着 Ni3Al 基体中 Cr3C2 比例的增 大,Cr3C2 /Ni3Al 复合材料对对磨盘的磨损程度降低, 对磨盘的磨损量减少. 参 考 文 献 [1] Gong K,Luo H L,Zhou Z F,et al. Wear evaluation on Ni3Al / MnS composite related to metallurgical processes. J Iron Steel Res Int,2012,19 ( 7) : 46 [2] Gong K,Luo H L,Feng D,et al. Ni3Al-based intermetallic al￾loys as a new type of high-temperature and wear-resistant materi￾als. J Iron Steel Res Int,2007,14( 5) : 21 [3] Jozwik P,Polkowski W,Bojar Z. Applications of Ni3Al based in￾termetallic alloys-current stage and potential perceptivities. Materi￾als,2015,8( 5) : 2537 [4] Zhu S Y,Bi Q L,Yang J,et al. Ni3Al matrix high temperature self-lubricating composites. 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