溢 制卧爱分贸多本芳 英汉商务翻译 在苦难中,归国的念头一直在他心中萦绕。 Ex.8 We must never stop taking an optimistic view of life. 我们对生活要永远抱乐观态度。 4.Shift of perspectives A.Comparison riot police 防暴警察 terror measures 反恐怖措施 crisis plan 应急计划 hunger march 反饥饿游行 self-taught 自学 10%discount 九折 it seems to me that..我觉得.… Ex.9 By the third criterion,the great literatures of the Orient spring to mind,not to mention the languages of Tolstoy,Goethe,Cervantes and Racine. 按照第三条标准来衡量,人们马上会想到东方各国的伟大文学, 且不提托尔斯泰、歌德、塞万提斯和拉辛使用的语言了。 Ex.10 Since economic reform began in 1978,an average growth rate of almost 10%a year has seen China's GNP nearly quadruple. 自1978年开始经济改革以来,中国(经济)以每年将近10%的 速度增长,国民生产总值几乎翻了两番。 B.Spatial shift Ex.11 But though the city was to undergo one of the worst punishment in the history of warfare thereafter,that was the low point. 不过,尽管这座城市即将遭受战争史上最为严酷的折磨,但是它 的磨难已经到顶了。 C.Temporal shift Ex.12 But we are getting ahead of the story. 不过这是后话了。 5.Shift of word order A.Priority shift Ex.13 National Foreign Language Center, 4th Floor,1619 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington D.C., the United States of America 美国华盛顿特区马萨诸塞大街1619号四层 国家外语中心 Ex.14 We enclose a cheque for US$35,110 in settlement of your invoice No.SH2065 of 20th,April,1997. 第2页共3页英汉商务翻译 在苦难中,归国的念头一直在他心中萦绕。 Ex. 8 We must never stop taking an optimistic view of life. 我们对生活要永远抱乐观态度。 4. Shift of perspectives A. Comparison riot police 防暴警察 terror measures 反恐怖措施 crisis plan 应急计划 hunger march 反饥饿游行 self-taught 自学 10% discount 九折 it seems to me that... 我觉得…… Ex. 9 By the third criterion, the great literatures of the Orient spring to mind, not to mention the languages of Tolstoy, Goethe, Cervantes and Racine. 按照第三条标准来衡量,人们马上会想到东方各国的伟大文学, 且不提托尔斯泰、歌德、塞万提斯和拉辛使用的语言了。 Ex. 10 Since economic reform began in 1978, an average growth rate of almost 10% a year has seen China's GNP nearly quadruple. 自 1978 年开始经济改革以来,中国(经济)以每年将近 10%的 速度增长,国民生产总值几乎翻了两番。 B. Spatial shift Ex. 11 But though the city was to undergo one of the worst punishment in the history of warfare thereafter, that was the low point. 不过,尽管这座城市即将遭受战争史上最为严酷的折磨,但是它 的磨难已经到顶了。 C. Temporal shift Ex. 12 But we are getting ahead of the story. 不过这是后话了。 5. Shift of word order A. Priority shift Ex. 13 National Foreign Language Center, 4th Floor, 1619 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington D. C., the United States of America 美国华盛顿特区马萨诸塞大街 1619 号四层 国家外语中心 Ex. 14 We enclose a cheque for US$ 35,110 in settlement of your invoice No. SH2065 of 20th, April, 1997. 第 2 页 共 3 页
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