最病 Th e serializable terface a The class can optionally define the following methods: a write Object(Object Stream) a readobject(ObjectInputStream) a write Replace a readResolveo 思考:如果一个可序列化的类实现了以上四个方 法,那么在序列化和反序列化的过程中,这几个 方法的调用次序如何? Institute of Computer Software 2021/1/28 Nanjing UniversityThe Serializable Interface  The class can optionally define the following methods:  writeObject (ObjectOutputStream)  readObject (ObjectInputStream)  writeReplace ()  readResolve () 2021/1/28 Institute of Computer Software Nanjing University 15 思考:如果一个可序列化的类实现了以上四个方 法,那么在序列化和反序列化的过程中,这几个 方法的调用次序如何?
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