Part 1: Parallel Computer System Architectures Comparison of MPP sMP, cow& dsm SMP Cluster Distributed MPP Characteristic Syste Number of O100 O(10) O(100) nodes(N) O1000 or less or less O(1000 Node Fine or Medium or complexity medium grain coarse grain Medium grain Wide range Internode Message passing Shared files Shared communi- or shared variables Message RPC, message memory passing cation for DSM passing Job Single run Multiple queues Independent scheduling queue at host run queue but coordinated multiple queues Partiall Always Desired uppon Node OS N(microkernel) N copies and and I host OS Type (monolithic) (monolithic) (homogeneous (heterogenous) desired) Address Multiple space(single if DSM) Single Multiple Multiple Internode Unnecessary Unnecessary Required if exposed Required secunD One or more M Ownership organization organization organizations organizations Network Nonstandard Nonstandard Standard or Standard protocol nonstandard System Low to medium Often low Highly available Medium availability or fault-tolerant Performance Throughput and TurmaroundThroughput and metrIc turnaround time time tumaround time Response time SSI: Single-system image, RPC: Remote procedure call, DSM: Distributed shared memory NHPCC(Hefei)·USTC· CHINA glchen @ustc.ed.cl l-12NHPCC(Hefei) •USTC •CHINA glchen@ustc.edu.cn Comparison of MPP,SMP, COW & DSM Part I : Parallel Computer System Architectures 1 -12
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