houted "How dare you treat me like that And he drove his own daughter off from his kingdom. But when the princess left, all the salt in the kingdom first, the king complained his food was tasteless, but then he became very ill from lack (h2) of salt. The king realized how foolish he had been sent for his aughter. When she returned to the kingdom, the salt also returned. “I’ m so sorry,"” said the king.“ Your gift of salt was more valuable 34 silver and gold, for you can not live lt.”From that day on, the king got to know some thing was more important than his riches )26.A. bring B brought C. take D. took D. to )28.A. angrily B. angry C. anger D. angrier )29. A. Why B. How C. Where D. What )30. A disappeared B disappear C disappearing D disappears ()31.A.if B. that C. how D. what ()32.A.so B. but C and D. that )33.Athree C younger D. youngest )34. A.then than )35. A. without B by 第三节完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) Jerry, 30 years old, owned a restaurant. He lived in a flat about one mile north of the restaurant. He usually walked to and from work. When it was 36 he took the bus Jerry loved gangster (HE it)movies. When a new one came out, he would the d watch it three or four t it went to video, Jerry would buy one at once. Jerry had a home collection of over 1, 000 gangster videos. old 9 ones; colored black and white: English, Spanish, Japanese he loved them all. He could tell you the name of the 40 the director. the stars and the story Finally, Jerry decided that he would own a 41 just like the gangsters. 42 he saved his money for a couple of years. Then he went to the gun store and bought a used one for $300. The following Saturday morning, he went to the to practice shooting. He was in the club for only 10 minutes when droppedhis gun. The gun wentoff, and the bullet (f34) went into Jerrys right knee Jerry now45 with a walking stick, just like some gangsters )36. A sunny rainin C cloud y )37. A restaurant B. store C. school cIne ma )38. A. butshouted 28 . “How dare you treat me like that? 29 good is salt?” And he drove his own daughter off from his kingdom. But when the princess left, all the salt in the kingdom 30 . At first, the king complained 31 his food was tasteless, but then he became very ill from lack(缺乏) of salt. The king realized how foolish he had been 32 sent for his 33 daughter. When she returned to the kingdom, the salt also returned. “I’m so sorry,” said the king. “Your gift of salt was more valuable 34 silver and gold, for you can not live 34 salt.” From that day on, the king got to know something was more important than his riches. ( )26.A. bring B.brought C. take D. took ( )27.A. at B.of C. with D. to ( )28.A. angrily B. angry C. anger D. angrier ( )29. A. Why B. How C .Where D. What ( )30. A.disappeared B.disappear C.disappearing D.disappears ( )31. A. if B. that C. how D. what ( )32. A. so B. but C.and D.that ( )33. A.three B.young C.younger D.youngest ( )34. A. then B.as C. by D.than ( )35. A. without B.by C. in D.with 第三节 完形填空 (共 10 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 10 分) Jerry, 30 years old, owned a restaurant.He lived in a flat about one mile north of the restaurant.He usually walked to and from work.When it was 36 , he took the bus. Jerry loved gangster(匪徒)movies.When a new one came out, he would go to the 37 and watch it three or four times. 38 it went to video,Jerry would buy one at once.Jerry had a home collection of over 1,000 gangster videos.Old ones, 39 ones; colored, black and white; English, Spanish, Japanese ---- he loved them all.He could tell you the name of the 40 ,the director, the stars, and the story. Finally, Jerry decided that he would own a 41 , just like the gangsters. 42 he saved his money for a couple of years.Then he went to the gun store and bought a used one for $300.The following Saturday morning, he went to the 43 to practice shooting.He was in the club for only 10 minutes when he 44 droppedhis gun.The gun wentoff, and the bullet(子弹) went into Jerry's right knee. Jerry now45 with a walking stick, just like some gangsters. ( ) 3 6 . A . s u n n y B . r a i ni ng C.cloudy D . w i nd ( ) 3 7 . A . r e s t a ur an t B . s t o re C.school D.cinema ( ) 3 8 . A . b u t B.so
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