2009年3月 热带农业科学 第29卷第3期 41顺益初,软绳式。长期施用磷肥条件下糊土中磷素的积 Accumulation and movement of residual phosphorus 累、形态转化和有效性[.土壤.1997.28(1):13~17 in sludge treateddecatur silty clay loam soil.Com 42 Rubaek H,Erik.Soil phosphorous dynamics in a munication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. long-term field experiment at Askov.Biology and 1993.24(15~16):1805-1816 Fertility of Soils,1995(20):86~92 48 Fiskel I G A.Pritchett W L.Profile distribution 43 Kumar V.Gilkes R J.Bollang M D A.Phosphate fer of phosphate and metals in a forest soil amende tilizer placement and tillage system on phospho- with garbage ca-npost Soil and Crop.Soc.of Florida rous distribution in soil.Communication in Soil Proc.1979.39:23-28 Science and Plant Analysis, 1992 23(13-14 49 Sekulic P D.Changes of chemical soil properties 1462-1477 under the effect of long-term application of miner 44 Roscoe B.The distribution and condition of soil al fertilizers.Bulgarian Journal of Agricultura hate under old permanent pasture.Plant and Science,1997,3(6):705-712 Soi1XIL.1960(1)·17-29 50 Hountin I A.Couillard D.A.Aram Soil carbon.ni- 45 Knaflewski M Malachowski A.Fiedorow Z.Effects of rogen and phosphorus contents in maize plots after long-term application of different rates of fertil- 14 years of pig slurry application.Journal of A izers in an asparagus plantation on the yield and gricultural Science,1997.129(2):187~194 chemical properties of soil.Roczniki Akademii Rol- 51 Ghosh G K,Sarkar A K.Sanyal S K.Effect of nicze.W Poznaniu,Ogrodmictwo,1998(27):145~149 long-term application of fertilizers on phosphate 46 Sharpley A N.Smith S I.Bain W R.Nitrogen and adsorption and desorption behaviour of some acid phosphorus fate from long-term poultry litter ap- soil 1.Phosphate adsorption behaviour.Journal of plications to Oklahoma soils.Soil Sci.Soc.Am I, Research.Birsa Agricultural University.1999.11 1993(57):1131-1137 (②):123-133 47 Pauline V,Lindo Robert W,Taylor James W,et al. -80-2009 年 3 月 第 热带农业科学 29 卷第 3 期 41 顾 益初, 钦绳武. 长期施用磷肥条件下潮土中磷素的积 累、 形态转化和有效性[J]. 土壤, 1997, 28(1): 13~17 42 Rubaek H, Erik. Soil phosphorous dynamics in a long-term field experiment at Askov. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 1995(20): 86~92 43 Kumar V,Gilkes R J, Bollang M D A. Phosphate fer￾tilizer placement and tillage system on phospho￾rous distribution in soil. Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 1992, 23 (13 ~14): 1462~1477 44 Roscoe B. The distribution and condition of soil phosphate under old permanent pasture. Plant and Soil XII, 1960(1): 17~29 45 Knaflewski M, Malachowski A, Fiedorow Z. Effects of long-term application of different rates of fertil￾izers in an asparagus plantation on the yield and chemical properties of soil. Roczniki Akademii Rol￾nicze. W Poznaniu, Ogrodmictwo, 1998(27): 145~149 46 Sharpley A N, Smith S J, Bain W R. Nitrogen and phosphorus fate from long-term poultry litter ap￾plications to Oklahoma soils.Soi1 Sci. Soc. Am J, 1993(57): 1131~1137 47 Pauline V, Lindo Robert W, Taylor James W, et al. Accumulation and movement of residual phosphorus in sludge treateddecatur silty clay loam soil. Com￾munication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 1993, 24(15~16): 1805~1816 48 Fiskel J G A. Pritchett W L, Profile distribution of phosphate and metals in a forest soil amended with garbage ca-npost Soil and Crop. Soc.of Florida Proc, 1979, 39: 23~28 49 Sekulic P D. Changes of chemical soil properties under the effect of long-term application of miner￾al fertilizers. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 1997, 3(6): 705~712 50 Hountin J A, Couillard D, A. Aram. Soil carbon, ni￾trogen and phosphorus contents in maize plots after 14 years of pig slurry application. Journal of A￾gricultural Science, 1997, 129(2): 187~194 51 Ghosh G K, Sarkar A K, Sanyal S K. Effect of long-term application of fertilizers on phosphate adsorption and desorption behaviour of some acid soil 1. Phosphate adsorption behaviour. Journal of Research, Birsa Agricultural University, 1999, 11 (2): 123~133 - - 80
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