App Components Application=Set of Android Components Activities 80 1. Provides User Interface 2. Usually represents a Single Screen Can contain one/more VieWS 4. Extends the Activity Base class Connected with Intents Responds to notifications Intent/Broadcast Receiver /status changes/events 1. Receives and Reacts to broadcast o Incoming phone call Intents o Battery low 2. No UI but can start an Activity o Alarm 0… 1414 App Components Activities 1. Provides User Interface 2. Usually represents a Single Screen 3. Can contain one/more Views 4. Extends the Activity Base class Application= Set of Android Components • Responds to notifications /status changes/events o Incoming phone call o Battery low o Alarm o … Intent/Broadcast Receiver 1. Receives and Reacts to broadcast Intents 2. No UI but can start an Activity Connected with Intents
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