LIFE Clothing: Clothing is normally stored in here. While sometimes, the clothing is a part of the avatar, in most cases you store the clothing sets you collect here to change clothes on your avatar as your mood changes Gestures: A Gesture is a macro of sorts. It allows you to create pre-build actions your avatar can do. You could make a gesture that animates you avatar to look like he's laughing and also play a sound of someone laughing too. You could even have the avatar automatically say"Ho, ho, ho! at the same time in chat. Landmarks: A landmark is an item that allows you to teleport to a place, much like the"tickets' you will heard about from the story Lost and Found: If you forget to pick back up a motorcycle you were riding, and leave it on someone's land, they will probably return it. Anything that get's returned to you from a persons land will return to Notecards: Notecards are exactly what they sound like. Small information storage items that can be used like the windows Notepad. You can copy and past from them, just like normal. Objects: This is where objects created in SL are stored. Note in this case, object means a 3D object created in SL. All Objects are created rom Prims(explained later) Photo Album: You take pictures in SL button on the bottom of the screen. They g Cards will be stored in this folder if you choose,t the "Save as Texture R Lost And Found option ScRipts 14转载:百杂3)拟平台论W8B2ARCM14 Clothing: Clothing is normally stored in here. While sometimes, the clothing is a part of the avatar, in most cases you store the clothing sets you collect here to change clothes on your avatar as your mood changes. Gestures: A Gesture is a macro of sorts. It allows you to create pre-build actions your avatar can do. You could make a gesture that animates you avatar to look like he's laughing and also play a sound of someone laughing too. You could even have the avatar automatically say "Ho, ho, ho!" at the same time in chat. Landmarks: A landmark is an item that allows you to teleport to a place, much like the ‘tickets’ you will heard about from the story. Lost and Found: If you forget to pick back up a motorcycle you were riding, and leave it on someone's land, they will probably return it. Anything that get's returned to you from a person's land will return to here. Notecards: Notecards are exactly what they sound like. Small information storage items that can be used like the windows Notepad. You can copy and past from them, just like normal. Objects: This is where objects created in SL are stored. Note in this case, object means a 3D object created in SL. All Objects are created from Prims (explained later). Photo Album: You have the ability to take pictures in SL using the Snapshot button on the bottom of the screen. They will be stored in this folder if you choose the "Save as Texture" option
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