Cone 圆锥体 2.Getting points on the surface of a cone 圆锥体表面取点 Element method Method: 辅助素线法 方法 Circle method 辅助纬圆法 Limit elements are usually the boundary between visible Distinguish:and invisible regions of the corresponding projection direction 判别 转向轮廓线通常是回转面上对某投射方向可见部分与 不可见部分的分界线。 Label: All invisible points are written in brackets. 标注 对不可见的点加括号以示区别。 Example2.Draw a cone and get points on the surface. 画圆维及表面上点的三视图 请点击鼠标左键显示后面内容6 Element method 辅助素线法 2.Getting points on the surface of a cone 圆锥体表面取点 Circle method 辅助纬圆法 请点击鼠标左键显示后面内容 Example2. Draw a cone and get points on the surface. 画圆锥及表面上点的三视图 Cone 圆锥体 Limit elements are usually the boundary between visible and invisible regions of the corresponding projection direction. 转向轮廓线通常是回转面上对某投射方向可见部分与 不可见部分的分界线。 All invisible points are written in brackets. 对不可见的点加括号以示区别。 Method: 方法 Distinguish: 判别 Label: 标注
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