14 Further actions:If we successfully get the grants.we will organize campus tours and classroom demonstrations of the use of New College English.The potential customers will have opportunities to attend the class and use its online courseware which will be available to all users of New College English.We will hold Q&A meetings regularly with experienced English teachers and answer any questions our users may have during their self-study. 5.Racking Your Brains 1)Camel 2)Your age 3)Atowel 4)Apeacock 5)A candle 6)Have someone throw it to you. Part Four Writing and Translation 2.Translation Practice 这位上了岁数但从未结过婚的英国女士,1930年第一次出现在小说《牧师住宅的谋 杀案》中时,当时她大约在65到70岁之间。在长达41年多的时间里,她出现在12部 小说、20篇短篇中一一最后一次破案时她已经年岁很高了。 马普尔小姐外表高高瘦瘦,面色红润但布满皱纹,她有着一双淡蓝色的眼睛,雪白 的头发在头上盘成老式的发髻。她的外表看上去不会给任何人造成伤害,加上她那漫无 边际的闲谈以及永远都在身边的毛线针常常会引起人们的误解,仅仅把她看成是一位 “犹犹豫豫的老女人”,那真是小看了她。那些真正了解她的人都明白,她是人类本性 敏锐的观察者,而且“不可思议地总是正确”。 虽然马普尔小姐一生都生活在看上去枯燥乏味的圣玛丽牧场,她却相当老到地明白 并接受“我们周围尽是邪恶”这个事实。就像她经常指出的那样,大城市能找到的人性 特征和邪恶,在她住的村子及周边也都能找到。于是,她的破案方式就是找出圣玛丽牧 场和外面世界在生活和人物方面的相似之处。 3.Writing My Favorite Pastime Samples My favorite pastime is writing.You may not think it is a pastime.But to me it is,because it is a form of relaxation that takes my mind away from other things when I feel tired. I began to like writing when I was a pupil in primary school.I was imaginative and created many interesting stories at that time.When I told the stories to my friends on our way home from school,they enjoyed them.Then telling a story I wrote on the way back home soon became my regular practice.That made me really happy.I had never thought of writing as entertainment before.Sometimes I wrote down my stories and passed them around among my classmates. When I was in high school,I began to like poems.This was because of the influence of my best friend.She liked poems very much,so gradually I learned to appreciate poems.When I am writing poems,I can concentrate for a long time,totally losing myself.No matter whether I am happy or sad I start writing poems to express myself. Let me tell you a little secret.Now I'm writing a science fiction about time travel.I'm sure it is original and interesting.However,writing definitely takes time,and how I wish I could have more time to pursue this hobby.I may not become a professional writer,but I will always enjoy writing.(238 words)14 Further actions: If we successfully get the grants, we will organize campus tours and classroom demonstrations of the use of New College English. The potential customers will have opportunities to attend the class and use its online courseware which will be available to all users of New College English. We will hold Q&A meetings regularly with experienced English teachers and answer any questions our users may have during their self-study. 5. Racking Your Brains 1) Camel 2) Your age 3) A towel 4) A peacock 5) A candle 6) Have someone throw it to you. Part Four Writing and Translation 2. Translation Practice 这位上了岁数但从未结过婚的英国女士,1930 年第一次出现在小说《牧师住宅的谋 杀案》中时,当时她大约在 65 到 70 岁之间。在长达 41 年多的时间里,她出现在 12 部 小说、20 篇短篇中——最后一次破案时她已经年岁很高了。 马普尔小姐外表高高瘦瘦,面色红润但布满皱纹,她有着一双淡蓝色的眼睛,雪白 的头发在头上盘成老式的发髻。她的外表看上去不会给任何人造成伤害,加上她那漫无 边际的闲谈以及永远都在身边的毛线针常常会引起人们的误解,仅仅把她看成是一位 “犹犹豫豫的老女人”,那真是小看了她。那些真正了解她的人都明白,她是人类本性 敏锐的观察者,而且“不可思议地总是正确”。 虽然马普尔小姐一生都生活在看上去枯燥乏味的圣玛丽牧场,她却相当老到地明白 并接受“我们周围尽是邪恶”这个事实。就像她经常指出的那样,大城市能找到的人性 特征和邪恶,在她住的村子及周边也都能找到。于是,她的破案方式就是找出圣玛丽牧 场和外面世界在生活和人物方面的相似之处。 3. Writing My Favorite Pastime Samples My favorite pastime is writing. You may not think it is a pastime. But to me it is, because it is a form of relaxation that takes my mind away from other things when I feel tired. I began to like writing when I was a pupil in primary school. I was imaginative and created many interesting stories at that time. When I told the stories to my friends on our way home from school, they enjoyed them. Then telling a story I wrote on the way back home soon became my regular practice. That made me really happy. I had never thought of writing as entertainment before. Sometimes I wrote down my stories and passed them around among my classmates. When I was in high school, I began to like poems. This was because of the influence of my best friend. She liked poems very much, so gradually I learned to appreciate poems. When I am writing poems, I can concentrate for a long time, totally losing myself. No matter whether I am happy or sad I start writing poems to express myself. Let me tell you a little secret. Now I’m writing a science fiction about time travel. I’m sure it is original and interesting. However, writing definitely takes time, and how I wish I could have more time to pursue this hobby. I may not become a professional writer, but I will always enjoy writing. (238 words)
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