3. opponent --n the person being competed against, esp. in a sports event; a person who disagrees with sth. and speaks against it or tries to change it She is one of the strongest opponents of tax reform她是税收改革的最强烈的反对者之一。 He beat/ defeated his opponent in the election.他在选举中击败了对手 4. spy on How much did you pay the man to spu on your husband?你付了这个人多少钱来暗中监视你 丈夫 He spied on his neighbors through this window without been seen.他是透过这扇窗户暗中监 视他的邻居而不被发现 5. shut... out(of)--prevent sb. Or sth. From entering a place; not allow a person to share or be I was about to shut out anyone who came knocking.我打算闭门谢客 How can I shut out such harmful thoughts?我怎样才能杜绝这些有害的想法? 6. have/get the upper hand --- have or get the advantage or control over sb At half time, the Italian team seemed to have the upper hand.上半场结束时似乎是意大利对 占上风。 After hours of fierce negotiations, the president had/ got the upper hand.经过数小时激烈谈 判,总统占了上风。 7. make up--- form the whole of sth Women make up nearly50% of medical school entrants.女生几乎占了医学院新生的确 The board of directors is made up of experienced men and women.董事会由经验丰富的人员 组成 8. subject.. to---make.. experience sth unpleasant The air bases were subjected to intense air attack.空军基地遭到了猛烈的空袭 Everyone interviewed had been subjected to unfair treatment.每个参加面试的人都受到不公 正的待遇。 9. break up-(cause to) come to an end The police broke up the fight.警察制止了这场争斗。 The meeting broke up at ten to three会议于2点50分结束 10. Tear down---(1)remove or pull(sth )down roughly The photograph of the leader had been torn down in the night by his enemies.这位领导人的照 片在夜里被他的敌人撕了下来。 (2 )destroy a building or other structure because it is not being used or it is not wanted any more They are going to tear down the old hospital and build a block of offices.他们打算拆除这家 医院,建造一幢办公大楼。 11. in/by contrast---used to emphasize that sth Is clearly different from sth. else This generation has, by contrast, made the environment a focus of attention.相比之下,这一带 人使得环境成为关注的焦点 Their movement in contrast, reached a membership of I00,000 In two in two years.相比之下 他们的运动两年内就发展10万成员 12. in earnest---seriously Are you joking or in earnest?你是开玩笑还是认真的? On the second day I began to work in earnest.第二天我就开始认真地工作了3. opponent --- n. the person being competed against , esp. in a sports event; a person who disagrees with sth. and speaks against it or tries to change it She is one of the strongest opponents of tax reform.她是税收改革的最强烈的反对者之一。 He beat / defeated his opponent in the election. 他在选举中击败了对手。 4. spy on --- watch secretly How much did you pay the man to spu on your husband? 你付了这个人多少钱来暗中监视你 丈夫。 He spied on his neighbors through this window without been seen. 他是透过这扇窗户暗中监 视他的邻居而不被发现。 5. shut … out(of) --- prevent sb. Or sth. From entering a place; not allow a person to share or be part of your thoughts or life I was about to shut out anyone who came knocking. 我打算闭门谢客。 How can I shut out such harmful thoughts? 我怎样才能杜绝这些有害的想法? 6. have / get the upper hand --- have or get the advantage or control over sb. At half time, the Italian team seemed to have the upper hand. 上半场结束时似乎是意大利对 占上风。 After hours of fierce negotiations, the president had / got the upper hand. 经过数小时激烈谈 判,总统占了上风。 7. make up --- form the whole of sth. Women make up nearly 50% of medical school entrants. 女生几乎占了医学院新生的确一 半。 The board of directors is made up of experienced men and women. 董事会由经验丰富的人员 组成。 8. subject … to --- make … experience sth. unpleasant The air bases were subjected to intense air attack. 空军基地遭到了猛烈的空袭。 Everyone interviewed had been subjected to unfair treatment. 每个参加面试的人都受到不公 正的待遇。 9. break up --- (cause to) come to an end The police broke up the fight. 警察制止了这场争斗。 The meeting broke up at ten to three. 会议于 2 点 50 分结束。 10.Tear down --- (1) remove or pull (sth.) down roughly The photograph of the leader had been torn down in the night by his enemies. 这位领导人的照 片在夜里被他的敌人撕了下来。 (2)destroy a building or other structure because it is not being used or it is not wanted any more They are going to tear down the old hospital and build a block of offices. 他们打算拆除这家 医院,建造一幢办公大楼。 11. in / by contrast --- used to emphasize that sth. Is clearly different from sth. else This generation has, by contrast, made the environment a focus of attention. 相比之下,这一带 人使得环境成为关注的焦点。 Their movement, in contrast, reached a membership of 100,000 in two in two years.相比之下, 他们的运动两年内就发展 10 万成员。 12. in earnest --- seriously Are you joking or in earnest? 你是开玩笑还是认真的? On the second day I began to work in earnest. 第二天我就开始认真地工作了
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