84.5 The circular motion Define: tangential acceleration d,(t)=c()×r(t) axr=a Speeding up: a, (t)is parallel to v (t) Slowing down: a,(t)is antiparallel to v(o) 84.5 The circular motion 4. Nonuniform circular motion with a constant angular acceleration do from &zdt costant Integrate in both sides of the equation do=l a,dt,o(t)=@2o+a, From a2(o de(t) dt Integrate in both sides of the equation 1717 §4.5 The circular motion ω r α r at × r = r r α r r a (t) (t) r(t) t r r r =α × Define: tangential acceleration Speeding up: is parallel to . Slowing down: is antiparallel to . a (t) t r v(t) r a (t) t r v(t) r 4. Nonuniform circular motion with a constant angular acceleration From costant d d = = t z z ω α Integrate in both sides of the equation t t t z z z t z z z z ω α ω ω α ω ω = = + ∫ ∫ 0 0 d d , ( ) 0 From t t z d d (t) ( ) θ ω = Integrate in both sides of the equation §4.5 The circular motion