rigoris Antoniou and Frank van Harmelen OWL Full In OWL Full, all the language constructors can be used in any combination as long as the result is legal RdF. OWL DL In order to exploit the formal underpinnings and computational tractability of Description Logics, the following constraints must be obeyed in an OWL DL ontology Vocabulary Partitioning: any resource is allowed to be only either a class, a datatype, a datatype properties, an object properties, an individuals, a data value or part of the built-in vocabulary, and not more than one of these. This means that, for example, a class cannot be at the same time an individual, or that a property cannot have values some values from a datatype and some values from a class(this would make it both a datatype property and an object property) Explicit typing: not only must all resources be partitioned(as prescribed in the previous constraint), but this partitioning must be stated explicitly For example, if an ontology contains the following I: Class rdf: ID=C1> rdfs: subClassOf rdf: about=#C2"/> </owl: Class> this already entails that C2 is a class(by virtue of the range specification of rdfs: sub ClassOf). Nevertheless, an OWL DL ontology must explicitly state this informatio Property Separation: By virtue of the first constraint, the set of object properties and datatype properties are disjoint. This implies that inverse properties, and functional, inverse functional and symmetric characteris- tics can never be specified for datatype properties No transitive cardinality restrictions: no cardinality restrictions may be placed on transitive properties (or their subproperties, which are of course also transitive, by implication) Restricted anonymous classes: anonymous classes are only allowed in the domain and range of owl: equivalentClass and owl: disjointWith, and in the range(not the domain)of rdfs: subClassOf OWL Lite An OWl ontology must be an OWL DL ontology, and must further satisfy the following constraints: the constructors owl: oneOf, owl: disjointWith, owl: unionof owl: complementOf and owl: has Value are not allowed16 Grigoris Antoniou and Frank van Harmelen OWL Full In OWL Full, all the language constructors can be used in any combination as long as the result is legal RDF. OWL DL In order to exploit the formal underpinnings and computational tractability of Description Logics, the following constraints must be obeyed in an OWL DL ontology: • Vocabulary Partitioning: any resource is allowed to be only either a class, a datatype, a datatype properties, an object properties, an individuals, a data value or part of the built-in vocabulary, and not more than one of these. This means that, for example, a class cannot be at the same time an individual, or that a property cannot have values some values from a datatype and some values from a class (this would make it both a datatype property and an object property). • Explicit typing: not only must all resources be partitioned (as prescribed in the previous constraint), but this partitioning must be stated explicitly. For example, if an ontology contains the following: <owl:Class rdf:ID="C1"> <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:about="#C2" /> </owl:Class> this already entails that C2 is a class (by virtue of the range specification of rdfs:subClassOf). Nevertheless, an OWL DL ontology must explicitly state this information: <owl:Class rdf:ID="C2"/> • Property Separation: By virtue of the first constraint, the set of object properties and datatype properties are disjoint. This implies that inverse properties, and functional, inverse functional and symmetric characteris￾tics can never be specified for datatype properties. • No transitive cardinality restrictions: no cardinality restrictions may be placed on transitive properties (or their subproperties, which are of course also transitive, by implication). • Restricted anonymous classes: anonymous classes are only allowed in the domain and range of owl:equivalentClass and owl:disjointWith, and in the range (not the domain) of rdfs:subClassOf. OWL Lite An OWL ontology must be an OWL DL ontology, and must further satisfy the following constraints: • the constructors owl:oneOf, owl:disjointWith, owl:unionOf, owl:complementOf and owl:hasValue are not allowed
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