Chapter one:Introduction 15 be attributed to their being tolerant or even resistant toward stress envi- ronments,such as the organic acids.Utilization and toxicity depend on their capacity to use (as sole carbon and energy source)most carboxylic acids often used as preservatives in the food industry (Rodrigues and Pais,2000). Viruses Reports on Norovirus outbreaks have increased in the past few years. In 2007 the existence of a new Norovirus strain of genogroup II/4 was confirmed by the CDC Enteric Virus Branch in Atlanta,Georgia.This virus isacid-stable and can pass thre ugh the stor nach unda d There is an obvious problem emerging with regard to Norovirus infections (Leuenberger et al.,2007). Protozoa Protozoa,such as Cyclospora cayetanensis,and also various foodborne trem- atodes have been associated with infections,often with seve re,chronic,or fatal health consequences(Mo s,Motarjemi,an d Kaferstein,2001) References Adams,M.R.1999.Safety of industrial lactic acid bacteria.Journal of Biotechnology 68:171-178 Aguirre,M.and Collins,M.D.1993 Lactic acid bacteria and human clinical infec Allen d, are ,J.E.,and Rodrigu A.2007 oc and their effect on by nd cut lettuce.Food Microbiology 24:759-766. Arroyo,M.,Aldred,D.,and Magan.N.2005.Environmental factors and weak organic acid interactions have differential effects on control of growth and ochratoxin A production by Penicillium verrucosum isolates in bread. Intern tional Journal of Food Microb 0l08y98:223-231. Audia,J.P.,Webb,C.C.,and Foster,J.W.2001.Breaking through the acid barrier An orchestrated re sponse to proton stress by enteric bacteria.International Malo.A and Chan pia,M.S.L s,I.W.2003.Gen ral c etables.In:Handling and Pres ertion of Fruits and Vegetables by Combined Methods for Rural Areas.Rome:Food and Agriculture Organization of the United nations. Barker,C.and Park,S.F.2001.Sensitization of Listeria monocytogenes to low pH, sby ethanol.n Chapter one: Introduction 15 be attributed to their being tolerant or even resistant toward stress envi￾ronments, such as the organic acids. Utilization and toxicity depend on their capacity to use (as sole carbon and energy source) most carboxylic acids often used as preservatives in the food industry (Rodrigues and Pais, 2000). Viruses Reports on Norovirus outbreaks have increased in the past few years. In 2007 the existence of a new Norovirus strain of genogroup II/4 was confirmed by the CDC Enteric Virus Branch in Atlanta, Georgia. This virus is acid-stable and can pass through the stomach undamaged. There is an obvious problem emerging with regard to Norovirus infections (Leuenberger et al., 2007). Protozoa Protozoa, such as Cyclospora cayetanensis, and also various foodborne trem￾atodes have been associated with infections, often with severe, chronic, or fatal health consequences (Molins, Motarjemi, and Käferstein, 2001). References Adams, M.R. 1999. Safety of industrial lactic acid bacteria. Journal of Biotechnology 68:171–178. Aguirre, M. and Collins, M.D. 1993. Lactic acid bacteria and human clinical infec￾tion. Journal of Applied Microbiology 75:95–107. Allende, A., Martinez, B., Selma, V., Gil, M.I., Suarez, J.E., and Rodriguez, A. 2007. Growth and bacteriocin production by lactic acid bacteria in vegetable broth and their effectiveness at reducing Listeria monocytogenes in vitro and in fresh￾cut lettuce. Food Microbiology 24:759–766. Arroyo, M., Aldred, D., and Magan, N. 2005. Environmental factors and weak organic acid interactions have differential effects on control of growth and ochratoxin A production by Penicillium verrucosum isolates in bread. International Journal of Food Microbiology 98:223–231. Audia, J.P., Webb, C.C., and Foster, J.W. 2001. Breaking through the acid barrier: An orchestrated response to proton stress by enteric bacteria. International Journal of Medical Microbiology 291:97–106. Bailly, M. 2002. Production of organic acids by bipolar electrodialysis: Realizations and perspectives. Desalination 144:157–162. Barbosa-Cánovas, G.V., Fernández-Molina, J.J., Alzamora, S.M., Tapia, M.S., López￾Malo, A., and Chanes, J.W. 2003. General considerations for preservation of fruits and vegetables. In: Handling and Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables by Combined Methods for Rural Areas. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Barker, C. and Park, S.F. 2001. Sensitization of Listeria monocytogenes to low pH, organic acids, and osmotic stress by ethanol. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 67:1594–1600
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