C.网罗层间接口描述 D.网络各层及其协议和层间接口的集合 答案: BBABD Pv6的地址长度是(1),它的基本首部长度固定为(2)。为了加快路由器处理数 据报的速度,IPv6首部取消了(3)字段,而通过数据链路层和运输层来完成差错检验 功能。为了便于地址阅读,IPV6使用_(4)记法。在IPV4向Pv6过渡的方案中,当PPv6 数据报进入IP4网络时,将IPV6数据报封装成为IP4数据报进行传输的方案时(5)。 (1)A.32位B.64位 C.128位D.256位 (2)A.20字节 B.40字节 C.60字节 D.256字节 (3)A.校验和 B.差错控制 C.流量控制D.纠错 (4)A.冒号十六进制B.十进制 C.冒号八进制D.二进制 (5)A.双协议站B.多协议栈 C.协议路由器D.隧道技术 答案:CBAD stal, he Integrated Services Digital Network(ISDN) is a set of international ards for access to advanced, all-digital public(1)network ISDN standards have been defined by the(1)a branch of the United Nations International Telecommunications Union(ITU), in the series I and Q recommendations There are five ISDN Standard Devices. A(1)is any piece of communicating equipment that complies with the IsDn standard. (1)performs the logical interface functions of switching and local-device control. (1)performs the physical interface conversion between the dissimilar customer and network sides of the interface (1)A information B telecommunications C global D. local (2)A. ITU-T B ITU-U C. ITU-A D. ITU-R (3)(4)(5)A.TA B TE C NT1 D NT2 Answer: BABCDC.网罗层间接口描述 D.网络各层及其协议和层间接口的集合 答案:BBABD IPv6 的地址长度是_(1)_,它的基本首部长度固定为_(2)_。为了加快路由器处理数 据报的速度,IPv6 首部取消了_(3)_字段,而通过数据链路层和运输层来完成差错检验 功能。为了便于地址阅读,IPv6 使用_(4)_记法。在 IPv4 向 IPv6 过渡的方案中,当 IPv6 数据报进入 IPv4 网络时,将 IPv6 数据报封装成为 IPv4 数据报进行传输的方案时_(5)_。 ⑴A.32 位 B.64 位 C.128 位 D.256 位 ⑵A.20 字节 B.40 字节 C.60 字节 D.256 字节 ⑶A.校验和 B.差错控制 C.流量控制 D.纠错 ⑷A.冒号十六进制 B.十进制 C.冒号八进制 D.二进制 ⑸A.双协议站 B.多协议栈 C.协议路由器 D.隧道技术 答案:CBAAD The Integrated Services Digital Network(ISDN) is a set of international standards for access to advanced,all-digital public _(1)_network. ISDN standards have been defined by the _(1)_,a branch of the United Nations’ Internaational Telecommunications Union (ITU), in the series I and Q recommendations. There are five ISDN Standard Devices.A_(1)_ is any piece of communicating equipment that complies with the ISDN standard. _(1)_performs the logical interface functions of switching and local-device control. _(1)_performs the physical interface conversion between the dissimilar customer and network sides of the interface. ⑴A.information B.telecommunications C.global D.local ⑵A.ITU-T B.ITU-U C. ITU-A D. ITU-R ⑶⑷⑸A.TA B.TE C.NT1 D.NT2 E.ET Answer:BABCD