软件发展趋势SOFTWARETREND1.Use of off-shelf software package acquired by users from用商用软件包。software venders.2.Toward nonprocedural naturallanguages that are closertohumanconversation.非过程自然语言Graphics and Artificialintelligence.FifthgenerationlanguagePowerful,multipurpose,expert-assistant softwarepackageswith natural language and graphical interface for end users.软件发展趋势 SOFT WARE TREND 1. Use of off-shelf software package acquired by users from software venders. 用商用软件包. 2. Toward nonprocedural natural languages that are closer to human conversation. 非过程自然语言. Graphics and Artificial intelligence. Fifth generation language. Powerful, multipurpose, expert-assistant software packages with natural language and graphical interface for end users
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