Amides of the form R-CO-NH2 are called primary amides since the nitrogen is only bound to one carbon atom(like R-NH2 is primary). Amides that are of the form R-CO-NHR'are called secondary amides.or N-substituted amides. H R-C-N-R RC-NR primary amide secondary amide tertiary amide (N-substituted amide) (N.N-disubstituted amide) 13Pen En re Amides of the form R-CO-NR2 are tertiary amides,or N,N-disubstituted amides Nomenclature of Amides To name a primary amide,identify the acid part and remove the-oic acid suffix and add-amide E.g. 0 H3C-C-NH2 HgC-C-NH-CH2CH3 H-C-N(CH3)2 ethanamide N-ethylethanamide N.,N-dimethylmethanamide To name a secondary or tertiary amide,the alkyl groups on nitrogen are treated as substituents,and are given the prefix N(since they are the nitrogen). Ch21 Carboxylic acid Derivatives(landscape) Page 5Ch21 Carboxylic acid Derivatives(landscape) Page 5 Amides of the form R-CO-NH2 are called primary amides since the nitrogen is only bound to one carbon atom (like R-NH2 is primary). Amides that are of the form R-CO-NHR' are called secondary amides, or N-substituted amides. Amides of the form R-CO-NR2 are tertiary amides, or N,N-disubstituted amides. Nomenclature of Amides To name a primary amide, identify the acid part and remove the -oic acid suffix and add -amide E.g. To name a secondary or tertiary amide, the alkyl groups on nitrogen are treated as substituents, and are given the prefix N (since they are the nitrogen)
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